
Lecture course by Professor Nikita NEKRASOV (Skoltech, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook)
at the Skoltech Center for Advanced Studies in 2020-2021

[ both on-line and in-person ]

lect NN-00 //
___ Nov 05 / Review of the instanton moduli spaces, compactification, spiked instantons, qq-characters /
video / notepad_pdf (1.8Mb) /

lect NN-01 //
___ Nov 12 / Fields, equations, symmetries. Cartan model /
video / notepad_pdf (6.7Mb) /

lect NN-02 //
___ Nov 26 / Fields, equations, symmetries, symplectic geometry case /
video / notepad_pdf (3.9Mb) /

lect NN-03 //
___ Dec 03 / Characters and fixed points /
video / notepad_pdf (13.1Mb) /

lect NN-04 //
___ Dec 10 / Quantization and characters /
video / notepad_pdf (7.6Mb) /

lect NN-05 //
___ Dec 17 / Representations of glN, invariants, conformal blocks of current algebra… /
video / notepad_pdf (13.2Mb) /

lect NN-06 //
___ Dec 24 / Noncommutative field theory, I /
video / notepad_pdf (12.1Mb) /

lect NN-07 //
___ Feb 07 / Noncommutative field theory, II: Noncommutative gauge fields /
video / notepad_pdf (9.6Mb) /

lect NN-08 //
___ Feb 11 / Noncommutative field theory, III: matrix models, Nahm-Fourier-Mukai duality, Goddard-Corrigan reciprocity /
video / notepad_pdf (9.3Mb) /

lect NN-09 //
___ Feb 18 / Noncommutative field theory IV: 6-matrix model and Ω-deformation: between black holes and integrability / video / notepad_pdf (7.0Mb) /

lect NN-10 //
___ Feb 25 / мCalogero-Moser spaces and instantons, I /
video / notepad_pdf (7.9Mb) /

lect NN-11 //
___ Mar 04 / Calogero-Moser systems and gauge theories /
video / notepad_pdf (7.6Mb) /

lect NN-12 //
___ Mar 11 / Effective Lagrangians and trigonometric many-body systems /
video / notepad_pdf (5.4Mb) /

lect NN-13 //
___ Mar 18 / Two dimensional Yang-Mills in canonical formalism and many-body systems /
video / notepad_pdf (4.5Mb) /

lect NN-14 //
___ Mar 25 / Two dimensional Yang-Mills in canonical formalism, many-body systems, and lifts to higher dimensions /
video / notepad_pdf (5.4Mb) /

lect NN-15 //
___ Apr 01 / Moduli spaces of vacua, hyperKähler manifolds, Higgs bundles /
video / notepad_pdf (5.4Mb) /

lect NN-16 //
___ Apr 15 / First steps of enumerative geometry (from physics) /
video / notepad_pdf (3.0Mb) /

lect NN-17 //
___ Apr 22 / Second steps of enumerative geometry (from physics) /
video / notepad_pdf (5.4Mb) /

lect NN-18 //
___ Apr 29 / Enters string theory, via higher dimensions /
video / notepad_pdf (4.9Mb) /

lect NN-19 //
___ May 13 / Localization in topological strings and gauge instantons, part I /
video / notepad_pdf (4.9Mb) /

lect NN-20 //
___ May 20 / Localization in topological strings and gauge instantons, part II. Stable maps, graviphoton backgrounds /
video / notepad_pdf (4.8Mb) /

lect NN-21 //
___ Jun 10 / Instanton partition functions. Glimpses of representation theory /
video /

lect NN-22 //
___ Oct 21 / Instanton partition function of A1 theory. Nonperturbative Dyson-Schwinger equations, part I /
video /

lect NN-23 //
___ Oct 25 / Instanton partition function of quiver theories. Nonperturbative Dyson-Schwinger equations, part II /
video /

lect NN-24 //
___ Oct 28 / Two realizations of surface defects, and their partition functions /

lect NN-25 //
___ Dec 16 / Five dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories, M theory on toric Calabi-Yau’s, and regularised volumes, part I /

lect NN-26 //
___ Dec 20 / Five dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories, M theory on toric Calabi-Yau’s, and regularised volumes, part II/