arXiv Spring2023

Center for Advanced Studies Seminar on Mondays
at 17.00 at Skoltech

(30 Bolshoy Boulevard, space E-B1-2016) [ + zoom ])

June 19, 2023
Nicolai Reshetikhin
(YMSC Tsinghua Univ. and BIMSA)
Super-integrable systems of spin Calogero-Moser type

May 22, 2023
Andrei Zotov
(Steklov Inst.)
Relativistic integrable interacting tops and matrix generalization of Ruijsenaars-Macdonald operators

May 15, 2023
Aleksei Ilin
(Skoltech, HSE Univ.)
Compactifications of models in mathematical physics

In this talk I will describe a mathematical approach to the following problem: Find all possible limits of a quantum completely integrable model. As an example I will consider inhomogeneous and trigonometric Gaudin models and their connections with moduli spaces of curves

April 24, 2023
Alexander Belavin
(Landau Inst., Kharkevich Inst.)
On the connection between multiple mirrors of Calabi-Yau manifolds
and on the connection between the mirrors of these multiple mirrors

April 17, 2023
Dmitry Galakhov
Physical models for categorification of Berry connections, braid group representations and knot invariants

In supersymmetric theories a Berry connection on a parameter space could be introduced in a supersymmetry preserving way. “Categorification” in this setting is counting actual vector spaces of short multiplet wave functions rather than simply supersymmetric indices. There are representations of braid groups as Berry connection holonomies for non-Abelian anyon systems – R-matrices in quantum groups U_q(sl_n) – that could be categorified in a universal way. Closures of such braid representations deliver naturally link invariants isomorphic to Khovanov-Rozansky invariants. We would try to follow how this scheme works in simple examples. The talk is based mostly on 2105.07602

April 3, 2023
Christopher Brav
Poisson brackets and the necklace Lie algebra of a Calabi-Yau category

The necklace Lie algebra of a quiver is a Lie bracket on linear combinations of cyclic words in arrows of the doubled quiver, originally studied by Kontsevich in the case of a quiver with one vertex and many loops, then studied in the general case by Ginzbug and Bocklandt-Le Bruyn. It is known that there is a “trace of action” map from the necklace Lie algebra to the Lie algebra of Hamiltonian vector fields on the Nakajima quiver variety and that for certain choices of data, this produces an integrable system. We describe a chain-level refinement and generalisation of the necklace Lie algebra in the form of a dg Lie algebra structure on the cyclic chains of a (relative) Calabi-Yau category, as well as an action of this dg Lie algebra by derived Hamiltonian vector fields on the moduli space of objects of the category. For particular choices of initial data, we produce refinements of the rational and trigonometric Calogero-Moser systems and the Hitchin system of type A. One can think of these results as providing a recipe for producing (partially) integrable systems from categorical data and discuss some directions for potentially new examples. This is joint work Nick Rozenblyum

March 20, 2023
Andrey Tsiganov
(St.Petersburg State Univ.)
On quadratic conservation laws for the Newton equations of motion in Euclidean space

For integrable Stackel-type systems, all integrals of motion are second-order polynomials on velocities. For Toda chains and Calogero-Moser systems only the energy is a second-order polynomial. We will discuss the intermediate case where $M$ of the integrals of motion are quadratic polynomials in velocities and the remaining $N-M$ of the integrals of motion are polynomials of higher degrees. Special attention will be paid to the structure of the corresponding Killing tensors, which in this case consist of double, triple, etc. rotations and shifts

March 13, 2023
Vadim Prokofev
Elliptic solutions of the Toda lattice with constraint of type B and deformed Ruijsenaars-Schneider system

March 6, 2023
Dmitri Bykov
(Steklov Inst., Moscow Univ.)
From sigma models to Gross-Neveu models via nilpotent orbits

I will discuss a new formulation of integrable sigma models with complex homogeneous target spaces (such as CP^n) in terms of algebraic variables, which establishes their equivalence to generalized Gross-Neveu models. In full generality this relies on the theory of complex nilpotent orbits and quiver (super)varieties. As an application, I will show that models with worldsheet and target space SUSY are related by (super)gauging. Generalizations to Riemann surface worldsheets will also be mentioned

February 27, 2023
Vasily Bolbachan
(Skoltech, HSE Univ.)
Introduction into polylogarithms (2/2)

February 20, 2023
Vasily Bolbachan
(Skoltech, HSE Univ.)
Introduction into polylogarithms (1/2)

February 13, 2023
Oleg Lychkovskiy
(Skoltech, Steklov Inst.)
Exact dynamics of open and closed quantum systems via coupled Heisenberg equations

Dynamics of a quantum system can be described by coupled Heisenberg equations. In certain integrable models these equations can be solved exactly for certain subsets of observables. The method can be generalized to open quantum systems whose dynamics is governed by the Lindblad master equation. I will illustrate the method by thoroughly working out a simple example. Then I will discuss more complex cases. Finally, prospects and open questions will be outlined. Based on
[1] O. Lychkovskiy. Closed hierarchy of Heisenberg equations in integrable models with Onsager algebra // SciPost Phys. 10, 124 (2021)
[2] O. Gamayun, O. Lychkovskiy. Out-of-equilibrium dynamics of the Kitaev model on the Bethe lattice via a set of Heisenberg equations // SciPost Phys. 12, 175 (2022)

February 6, 2023
Grigori Olshanski
(IITP, Skoltech, HSE Univ.)
Centralizers and Yangian-type algebras

There is an old construction which links the Yangians of the gl(N) series with centralizers in universal enveloping algebras. I want to discuss its recent generalization (arXiv 2208.04809). It leads to new effects and reveals new connections (for example, with double Poisson brackets)

January 30, 2023
Alexey Basalaev
(HSE Univ., Skoltech)
Connecting different formulations of mirror symmetry

January 23, 2023
Shamil Shakirov
(Univ. of Geneva, Kharkevich Inst.)
Non-stationary difference equation for q-Virasoro conformal blocks

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