arXiv Spring2020

Center for Advanced Studies Seminar on Mondays
at 14.30 at Skoltech / at 17.00 Zoom

July 13, 2020 // Zoom
Mikhail Skvortsov
(Skoltech, Landau Inst.)
Inverted pendulum driven by a horizontal random force: statistics of the never-falling trajectory and supersymmetry

We study stochastic dynamics of an inverted pendulum subject to a random force in the horizontal direction (Whitney’s problem). Considered on the entire time axis, the problem admits a unique solution that always remains in the upper half plane. We formulate the problem of statistical description of this never-falling trajectory and solve it by a field-theoretical technique assuming a white-noise driving. In our approach based on the supersymmetric formalism of Parisi and Sourlas, statistic properties of the never-falling trajectory are expressed in terms of the zero mode of the corresponding transfer-matrix Hamiltonian. The emerging mathematical structure is similar to that of the Fokker-Planck equation, which however is written for the “square root” of the probability distribution function. Our results for the statistics of the non-falling trajectory are in perfect agreement with direct numerical simulations of the stochastic pendulum equation. In the limit of strong driving (no gravitation), we obtain an exact analytical solution for the instantaneous joint probability distribution function of the pendulum’s angle and its velocity.
This is a joint work with N. Stepanov

June 29, 2020 // Zoom
Gus Schrader
(Columbia Univ.)
An alternative functional realization of spherical DAHA

The spherical subalgebra of Cherednik’s double affine Hecke algebra of type A has a functional realization in which the algebra acts on a space of symmetric Laurent polynomials by rational q-difference operators. This representation has many useful applications e.g. to the theory of Macdonald polynomials. I’ll present an alternative functional realization of the spherical DAHA, in which the algebra acts on a space of non-symmetric Laurent polynomials by Laurent polynomial q-difference operators. This latter representation turns out to be compatible with a natural cluster algebra structure, in such a way that the action of the modular group on DAHA is given by cluster transformations. Based on joint work in progress with Philippe di Francesco, Rinat Kedem, and Alexander Shapiro

June 15, 2020 // Zoom
Alexandr Buryak
(HSE Univ., Univ. of Leeds)
Generalization of the Witten conjecture and non-commutative KdV system

June 8, 2020 // Zoom
Davide Gaiotto
(Perimeter Inst.)
Examples of boundary chiral algebras

I will review some examples of boundary chiral algebras, starting from 3d Chern-Simons theory and moving on to A- and B- twists of 3d N=4 theories and to holomorphic-topological twists of 3d N=2 theories

June 1, 2020 // Zoom
Konstantin Aleshkin
(Columbia Univ.)
Liouville quantum gravity and integrable systems

There are three main approaches to 2d quantum gravity: topological gravity, matrix models and Liouville gravity. The generalized Witten conjecture establishes the connection of the two former approaches, and both of them are quite well understood. Correlation numbers of the Liouville gravity are integrals of certain products of conformal blocks over the moduli spaces of punctured curves, and their direct computation is much more complicated. Nevertheless, there is a conjecture that relates all three models. This conjecture will be the main subject of the talk

May 25, 2020 // Zoom
Alexander Its
(Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ.)
On the asymptotic analysis of the Calogero-Painlevé systems

The Calogero-Painleve systems were introduce in 2001 by K. Takasaki as a natural generalization of the classical Painleve equations to the case of the several Painlev\’e “particles” coupled via the Calogero type interactions. In 2014, I. Rumanov discovered a remarkable fact that a particular case of the Calogero-Painleve II equation describes the Tracy-Widom distribution function for the general β-ensembles with the even values of parameter β. Most recently, in 2017 work of M. Bertola, M. Cafasso , and V. Rubtsov, it was proven that all Calogero-Painleve systems are Lax integrable, and hence their solutions admit a Riemann-Hilbert representation. This important observation has opened the door to rigorous asymptotic analysis of the Calogero-Painleve equations which in turn yields the possibility of rigorous evaluation of the asymptotic behavior of the Tracy-Widom distributions for the values of beta beyond the classical β = 1, 2, 4. In the talk these recent developments will be outlined with a special focus on the Calogero-Painleve system corresponding to β = 6.
This is a joint work with A. Prokhorov

May 18, 2020 // Zoom
Davide Gaiotto
(Perimeter Inst.)
Protected operator algebras in three-dimensional supersymmetric quantum field theory

I will review the mathematical structures which occur in twisted supersymmetric quantum field theories in three dimensions and the relations to Symplectic Duality, the theory of logarithmic chiral algebras, Geometric Langlands duality and other topics

April 27, 2020 // Zoom
Alexander Veselov
(Loughborough Univ., Moscow State Univ., Steklov Inst.)
Automorphic Lie algebras and modular forms

I will talk about some recent results on the hyperbolic versions of the automorphic Lie algebras, using as the main example the modular group SL(2,Z) acting on the upper half-plane. The talk is based on the ongoing joint work with Vincent Knibbeler and Sara Lombardo

April 20, 2020 // Zoom
Vladimir Fock
(Univ. of Strasbourg)
Higher complex structures

April 7, 2020 // ONLINE at 12.30 / Univ of Amsterdam
Pavlo Gavrylenko
Deautonomization of integrable systems, CFT, gauge theories, topological strings

In the first part of the talk I’m going to give some introduction into so-called isomonodromy-CFT correspondence discovered by Gamayun, Iorgov and Lisovyy. It relates solutions of some differential equations to conformal blocks, or, by AGT correspondence, to partition functions of 4d N=2 SUSY gauge theories. In the second part I will focus more on the q-difference equations and tell some details about construction of such equations, and also how to express their solutions in terms of q-deformed conformal blocks, or partition functions of 5d gauge theories, or partition functions of topological strings

April 6, 2020 // Zoom
Alexander Braverman
(Perimeter Inst, Univ of Toronto, Skoltech)
Introduction to symplectic duality

March 30, 2020 // Zoom
Igor Krichever
(Skoltech, HSE Univ., Columbia Univ.)
Algebraic integrability of 2D periodic elliptic sigma-models

The zero-curvature representation of the equation of motion for the two-dimensional $O(N)$ sigma-model was discovered by Pohlmeyer. His result was extended by Zakharov and Mikhailov to a wide class of models which includes the principle chiral field models. Note, that the models considered by these authors are sigma models with the Minkowski source. At the level of equations of motion and their zero-curvature representation one can pass from the hyperbolic to the elliptic case by the change of the light-cone variables $\xi_{\pm} = x{\pm} t$ in the hyperbolic case to the variables $z,\zb$ in the elliptic case. However, the solutions in the two cases are quite different, the compactness of the source $\Sigma$ playing the key role. In the talk algebraic integrability of two-dimensional elliptic sigma-models will be presented.
The talk is based on a work in progress with Nikita Nekrasov

// Zoom meetings   

March 16, 2020
Michael Finkelberg
(Skoltech, Univ. HSE)
Geometric Satake correspondence and supergroups

This is a survey of recent works of Roman Travkin

March 2, 2020
Grigori Olshanski
(Skoltech, IITP, HSE Univ.)
Macdonald polynomials and discrete point processes

I will tell about application of Macdonald polynomials to constructing infinite systems of interacting particles on a lattice

February 17, 2020
Alexandra Skripchenko
(Skoltech, Univ.HSE)
Interval exchange transformations with flips in dynamics and topology

Interval exchange transformations appeared in connection with billiard flows and measured foliations on oriented surfaces in early 60s. Despite of the very simple definition, IETs immediately became a very important tool to study dynamics of measured foliations and even geometry of moduli spaces of algebraic curves, and their ergodic properties were widely studied.
Interval exchange transformations with flips naturally generalize the notion of IETs for non-orientable case. In my talk i will outline their known dynamical properties and discuss some open questions related to it. I also will discuss a very fresh result about connections between a certain class of IETs with flips and Novikov’s problem of asymptotic behavior of plane sections of 3-periodic surfaces.
The talk is partly based on work in progress with Ivan Dynnikov, Pascal Hubert and Paul Mercat

February 10, 2020
Sergei Lando
(Skoltech, Univ.HSE)
Problems related to the weight system associated to the Lie algebra sl(2)

A weight system is a function on chord diagrams satisfying Vassiliev’s 4-term relations. A construction due to D.Bar-Natan and M.Kontsevich allows one to associate a weight system to any semisimple Lie algebra. The simplest nontrivial such weight system is the one associated to the Lie algebra sl(2). It comes from a knot invariant well known under the name of colored Jones polynomial. This weight system takes values in the center of the universal enveloping algebra of sl(2), which is the algebra of polynomials in a single variable (the Casimir element). Already this weight system is extremely nontrivial, and the talk will be devoted mainly to unsolved problems about it. All necessary notions will be define

February 3, 2020
Senya Shlosman
(Skoltech, Aix Marseille Univ.)
The Ising crystal and the Airy diffusion

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