publications 2021

People whose last names are highlighted in bold are Skoltech faculty, researchers, PhD students, or MSc students (in alphabetical order)

2021 / peer-reviewed publications / 247-199

  1. E. Akhmedov, A. Artemev, I. Kochergin, "Interacting quantum fields in various charts of anti–de Sitter spacetime" Phys. Rev. D 103, 045009, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2011.05035]
  2. A. Basalaev, A. Buryak, “Open Saito theory for A and D singularities”, Int. Math. Res. Notices, Volume 2021, Issue 7, April 2021, pp.5460–5491, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1909.00598]
  3. A. Basalaev, P. Dunin-Barkowski, S. Natanzon, “Integrable hierarchies associated to infinite families of Frobenius manifolds”, 2021 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54 115201 doi:10.1088/1751-8121/abdd79 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2007.11974]
  4. A. Basalaev, C. Hertling, “3-dimensional F-manifolds”, Lett Math Phys 111, 90 (2021). [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2012.11443]
  5. A. Basalaev, A. Ionov, “Mirror map for Fermat polynomial with non–abelian group of symmetries”, Theor Math Phys 209, 1491–1506 (2021). [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2103.16884]
  6. A. Braverman, M. Finkelberg, V. Ginzburg, R. Travkin, “Mirabolic Satake equivalence and supergroups”, Compositio Mathematica, 157(8), 1724-1765, doi:10.1112/S0010437X21007387 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1909.11492]
  7. R. Bezrukavnikov, A. Braverman, I. Mirković, “Corrigendum: “Some results about geometric Whittaker model”, Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Том 25, Выпуск 4, Страницы 957 – 993 DOI 10.4310/ATMP.2021.v25.n4.a2
  8. M. Bershtein, R. Gonin, “Twisted and Non-Twisted Deformed Virasoro Algebra via Vertex Operators of Uq(slˆ2)”, Lett Math Phys 111, 22 (2021), [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2003.12472]
  9. N. Bogachev, A. Kolpakov, “On faces of quasi-arithmetic Coxeter polytopes”, International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2021, Issue 4, February 2021, 3078–3096, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2002.11445]
  10. O. Brauer, A. Buryak, “The bihamiltonian structures of the DR/DZ hierarchies at the approximation up to genus one”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 55:4 (2021), 22–39, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2107.06076]
  11. A. Buryak, P. Rossi, “Extended r-spin theory in all genera and the discrete KdV hierarchy”, Adv. Math. 2021. Vol.386. No.6. Article 107794, ​[ PDF: English, arXiv: 1806.09825 ]
  12. A. Buryak, P. Rossi, “Quadratic double ramification integrals and the noncommutative KdV hierarchy”, B. Lond. Math. Soc. V.53(3) 2021 pp.843-854, ​[ PDF: English, arXiv: 1909.11617 ]
  13. A. Arsie, A. Buryak, P. Lorenzoni, P. Rossi, “Flat F-manifolds, F-CohFTs, and integrable hierarchies”, Commun. Math. Phys. (2021). ​[ PDF: English, arXiv: 2012.05332]
  14. O. Brauer, A. Buryak, “Open topological recursion relations in genus 1 and integrable systems”, J. High Energ. Phys. 2021, 48 (2021), [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2008.06922]
  15. I. Dumanski, E. Feigin, M. Finkelberg, “Beilinson-Drinfeld Schubert varieties and global Demazure modules”, Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 9, E42, doi:10.1017/fms.2021.36 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2003.12930 ]
  16. A. Braverman, M. Finkelberg, H. Nakajima, “Line bundles over Coulomb branches”, Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Том 25, Выпуск 4, Страницы 957 – 993 DOI 10.4310/ATMP.2021.v25.n4.a2 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1805.11826 ]
  17. M. Finkelberg, R. Fujita, “Coherent IC-sheaves on type An affine Grassmannians and dual canonical basis of affine type A1″ Represent. Theory 25 (2021), 67-89 (2020) DOI: [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1901.05994]
  18. A. Gaifullin, “On spectral sequence for the action of genus 3 Torelli group on the complex of cycles”, Izvestiya: Mathematics(2021), 85 (6):1060 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2011.00295 ]
  19. P. Gavrylenko, M. Semenyakin, Y. Zenkevich, “Solution of tetrahedron equation and cluster algebras”, J. High Energ. Phys. 2021, 103 (2021), [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2010.15871 ]
  20. M. Kazarian, S. Lando, S. Natanzon, “On framed simple purely real Hurwitz numbers”, 2021 Izv. Math. 85 681, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1809.04340 ]
  21. I. Krichever, S. Lando, A. Skripchenko, “Real-normalized differentials with a single order 2 pole”, Lett Math Phys 111, 36 (2021). [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2010.09358 ]
  22. I. Krichever, N. Nekrasov, “Towards Lefschetz thimbles in Sigma models, I” [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2010.15575 ] И. Кричевер, Н. Некрасов, ЖЭТФ, К вопросу о наперстках Лефшеца в сигма-моделях, I, ЖЭТФ, 2021, том 159, вып. 4, стр. 822–844
  23. I. Krichever, A. Zabrodin, “Kadomtsev-Petviashvili turning points and CKP hierarchy”, Commun. Math. Phys. (2021). [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2012.04482 ]
  24. A. Liashyk, S. Z. Pakuliak, “Algebraic Bethe ansatz for o2n+1-invariant integrable models”, Theor Math Phys 206, 19–39 (2021). [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2008.03664]
  25. A. Hutsalyuk, A. Liashyk, S. Pakuliak, E. Ragoucy, N. Slavnov, “Actions of the monodromy matrix elements onto gl(m|n)-invariant Bethe vectors”, DOI:10.1088/1742-5468/abacb2 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2005.09249]
  26. A. Litvinov, I. Vilkoviskiy, “Integrable structure of BCD conformal field theory and boundary Bethe ansatz for affine Yangian”, J. High Energ. Phys. 2021, 141 (2021), [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2105.04018]
  27. M. Nenasheva, V. Zhukov, “An extension of Stanley’s chromatic symmetric function to binary delta-matroids” Discrete Mathematics, 344 (11), 2021, 112549,
  28. G. Olshanski, “Macdonald-level extension of beta ensembles and large-N limit transition”, Commun. Math. Phys. 385, 595-631 (2021), [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2007.06264]
  29. G. Olshanski, “Macdonald polynomials and extended Gelfand-Tsetlin graph”, Sel. Math. New Ser. 27, 41 (2021). [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2007.06261]
  30. C. Cuenca, V. Gorin, G. Olshanski, “The Elliptic Tail Kernel” International Mathematics Research Notices. Advance online publication, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1907.11841]
  31. V. Krylov, I. Perunov, “Almost dominant generalized slices and convolution diagrams over them”, Adv. in Mathematics, 392, 2021, 108034, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1903.08277]
  32. A. Pogrebkov, “Negative Times of the Davey–Stewartson Integrable Hierarchy”, SIGMA, 17 (2021)091, 12 pp. doi:10.3842/SIGMA.2021.091
  33. G. Kondyrev, A. Prikhodko, “Equivariant Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem via formal deformation theory” [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1906.00172]
  34. D. Kubrak, A. Prikhodko, “Hodge-to-de Rham degeneration for stacks”, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2021 rnab054 1-88, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1910.12665]
  35. V. Prokofev, A. Zabrodin, “Elliptic solutions to Toda lattice hierarchy and elliptic Ruijsenaars-Schneider model”, Theor Math Phys 208, 1093–1115 (2021). [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2103.00214]
  36. V. Prokofev, A. Zabrodin, “Elliptic solutions to matrix KP hierarchy and spin generalization of elliptic Calogero-Moser model”, J. Math. Phys., 62, 061502 (2021); [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2103.07357]
  37. V. Prokofev, A. Zabrodin, “Elliptic solutions to the KP hierarchy and elliptic Calogero-Moser model”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54 (2021) 305202, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2102.03784]
  38. N. Safonkin, “Semifinite harmonic functions on the Gnedin-Kingman graph”, J Math Sci 255, 132–142 (2021), [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2103.02257]
  39. N. Safonkin, “Semifinite harmonic functions on branching graphs”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 2021, Volume 507, Pages 114–139 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2108.078503]
  40. I. Sechin, A. Zotov, “Quadratic algebras based on SL(NM) elliptic quantum R-matrices”, Theor Math Phys 208, 1156–1164 (2021), [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2104.04963]
  41. O. Ogievetsky, S. Shlosman, “Extremal Cylinder Configurations I: Configuration Cm“, Discrete Comput Geom 66, 140–164 (2021) [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1812.09543 ]
  42. O. Ogievetsky, S. Shlosman, “The Six Cylinders Problem: D3-symmetry Approach”, Discrete Comput Geom 65, 385–404 (2021) [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1805.09833 ]
  43. M. Artigiani, C. Fougeron, P. Hubert, A. Skripchenko, “A note on double rotations of infinite type”, Trans. Moscow Math. Soc. 2021, 157-172 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2102.11803]
  44. C. Fougeron, A. Skripchenko, “Simplicity of spectrum for certain multidimensional continued fraction algorithms”, Monatsh Math 194, 767–787 (2021) [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1904.13297 ]
  45. E. Lanneau, S. Marmi, A. Skripchenko, “Cohomological equations for linear involutions”, Dynamical Systems, 36 (2021) 2 292-304, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1908.09107 ]
  46. P. Pyatov, A. Trofimova, “Representations of finite-dimensional quotient algebras of the 3-string braid group”, Moscow Math. J., 21 (2021) 427-442, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1808.06395 ]
  47. B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, E. Mukhin, I. Vilkoviskiy, “Deformations of W algebras via quantum toroidal algebras”, Sel. Math. New Ser. 27, 52 (2021), [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2003.04234]
  48. V. Akhmedova, T. Takebe, A. Zabrodin, “Loewner equations and reductions of dispersionless hierarchies”, J. Geom. Physics, 162 (2021) 104100 doi:
    [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2010.02277]
  49. A. Zabrodin, “Kadomtsev-Petviashvili hierarchies of types B and C”, Theor Math Phys 208, 865–885 (2021). [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2102.12850]

2021 / preprints / 198-179

  1. S. Abramyan, “On homology of the MSU spectrum” [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2108.12713]
  2. M. Bershtein, A. Shchechkin, “Folding transformations for q-Painleve equations” [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2110.15320]
  3. M. Belolipetsky, N. Bogachev, A. Kolpakov, L. Slavich, “Subspace stabilisers in hyperbolic lattices” [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2105.06897]
  4. A. Braverman, D. Kazhdan, “Automorphic functions on moduli spaces of bundles on curves over local fields: a survey” [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2112.08139]
  5. A. Braverman, M. Finkelberg, R. Travkin, “Gaiotto conjecture for Repq(GL(N−1|N))” [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2107.02653]
  6. A. Buryak, P. Rossi, D. Zvonkine, “Moduli spaces of residueless meromorphic differentials and the KP hierarchy” [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2110.01419]
  7. E. Feigin, I. Makhlin, “Relative poset polytopes and semitoric degenerations” [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2112.05894]
  8. I. Krichever, “Characterizing Jacobians of algebraic curves with involution” [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2109.13161]
  9. A. Hutsalyuk, A. Liashyk, “Master equation for correlation functions in algebra symmetry gl(2|1) related models” [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2102.05017]
  10. S. Kato, A. Khoroshkin, I. Makedonskyi, “Categorification of DAHA and Macdonald polynomials” [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2103.10009]
  11. I. Motorin, “Resolution of singularities for osp(2n + 2|2n) null cone” [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2107.10007]
  12. M. Dedushenko, N. Nekrasov, “Interfaces and Quantum Algebras, I: Stable Envelopes” [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2109.10941]
  13. V. Chernyshev, A. Rukhovich, “Asymptotics of the number of waves on rational polyhedra” [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2112.12066]
  14. N. Safonkin, “Semifinite harmonic functions on the zigzag graph” [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2110.01508]
  15. P. Etingof, M. Semenyakin, “A brief introduction to quantum groups” [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2106.05252]
  16. I. Spiridonov, “On the structure of the top homology group of the Johnson kernel” [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2111.10568]
  17. J. Tao, R. Travkin, “A colimit presentation of D(G(K)) via the Bott-Samelson hypercover” [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2103.15011]
  18. J. Tao, R. Travkin, “Homotopical presentations of braid groups via reduced lifts” [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2103.13543]
  19. R. Yang, “A resolution of singularities of Drinfeld compactification with an Iwahori structure”, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2104.09862]
  20. R. Yang, “Twisted Whittaker category on affine flags and category of representations of mixed quantum group”, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2104.09848]