arXiv Fall2019

Center for Advanced Studies Seminar on Mondays
at 14.30 at Skoltech

December 16, 2019
Anton Zorich
(Mathematics Inst. of Jussieu–Paris, Skoltech)
Bridges between flat and hyperbolic enumerative geometry

Square-tiled surfaces can be interpreted as integer points in the moduli spaces of Abelian and holomorphic quadratic differentials on complex curves. Such interpretation allows to express the Masur-Veech volume of these moduli spaces in terms of the asymptotic count of square-tiled surfaces.
The combinatorial geometry of a square-tiled surface is determined by several natural parameters. Together with Amol Aggarwal, Vincent Delecroix, Elise Goujard and Peter Zograf, we study volume contributions of square-tiled surfaces with specified combinatorial geometry. The resulting frequencies of square-tiled surfaces of different types describe geometry of a “random” square-tiled surface. Using Kontsevich’s count of metric ribbon graphs, we expressed the Masur-Veech volumes in terms of intersection numbers of psi-classes. Our formula allows to evaluate a frequency of square-tiled surfaces of given combinatorial type and, hence, to formalize a notion of a “random” square-tiled surface. We proved that our frequencies coincide with Mirzakhani’s frequencies of simple closed hyperbolic multicurves.
I will tell what we expect from a “random” square-tiled surface of large genus and from a “random” geodesic multicurve on a surface of large genus. Our results are conditional to two challenging conjectures on large genus asymptotics of certain intersection numbers for the Deligne-Mumford compactification of the moduli space of complex curves. A formula (published several days ago) of Chen-Moeller-Sauvaget expressing the Masur-Veech volumes in terms of the linear Hodge integrals allows to attack one of the two conjectures in a new way

December 9, 2019
Maxim Kazarian
(Skoltech, HSE Univ.)
Topological recursion for generalized Hurwitz numbers

Hurwitz numbers enumerate ramified coverings of two-dimensional sphere with prescribed ramification types. Generating functions for different kinds of Hurwitz numbers (simple, monotone, r-spin, orbifold Hurwitz numbers, Bousquet-Melou-Schaeffer numbers, numbers of maps and hypermaps, etc.) possess numerous integrable properties typical for models of mathematical physics and Gromov-Witten theory. Being rather elementary combinatorial objects, they provide, thereby, a convenient model for studying these properties. One of the most intriguing such properties is topological recursion that became so popular last years. In the talk, I will try to explain the true nature of topological recursion for the case of Hurwitz numbers

December 2, 2019
Alexei Rosly
(Skoltech, ITEP, HSE Univ.)
Conformal properties of the self-dual YM theory

I would like to promote the Self-Dual Yang Mills Theory as a possibly simplest non-linear conformal field theory in 4d with no supersymmetry. This field theory possesses UV divergences, but these do not spoil the conformal covariance: the effect of renormalization is that the coupling constant does not run, it is only a field renormalization which is needed. This results in a conformal invariance of the effective action under anomalous conformal transformations. I can give only a partial, but hopefully convincing proof of the latter. To make this talk more entertaining for the mathematical part of the audience, I will also discuss relations with twistor geometry

November 25, 2019
Victor Vassiliev
(Steklov Inst., HSE Univ.)
Picard–Lefschetz theory, monodromy and applications, Part I

November 18, 2019
Oleg Ogievetsky
(Aix Marseille Univ., Skoltech)
Fusion procedure for walled Brauer algebras

The walled Brauer algebra wB is the centralizer of the diagonal action of the general linear group on the mixed tensor space. The walled Brauer algebras form a tower of algebras and we shall discuss the Bratteli diagram for the tower. In the semi-simple regime the branching rules for the tower are simple (multiplicity-free) so the wB-modules admit Gelfand-Tsetlin bases. I will give a definition of the walled Brauer algebra in terms of generators and relations and introduce analogues of the Jucys-Murphy elements for the walled Brauer algebras; the Gelfand-Tsetlin basis is the eigen-basis for the Jucys-Murphy elements. Then I will describe the fusion procedure for the walled Brauer algebras: it gives a way to realise the projectors, corresponding to the Gelfand-Tsetlin basis in terms of a universal rational function with values in the walled Brauer algebra

November 11, 2019
Evgeny Feigin
(Skoltech, HSE Univ.)
Arc schemes for Veronese curves

Veronese curve of degree d (also known as normal rational curve) can be realized as an embedding of the complex projective line into a d-dimensional projective space. The equations cutting out the image of this embedding can be written down explicitly and the homogeneous coordinate ring has an explicit description in terms of representations of the complex Lie algebra sl(2). We study the corresponding arc scheme, where the field of complex numbers is replaced with the ring of formal Taylor series. We explicitly describe the reduced ideal of the arc scheme and the homogeneous coordinate ring in terms of representation theory of the current algebra of sl(2). Time permitting, we will also discuss the case of higher rank algebras. Joint work with Ilya Dumanski

October 28, 2019
Andrii Liashyk
(Skoltech, HSE Univ.)
New symmetries of gl(N)-invariant Bethe vectors

We consider quantum integrable models solvable by the nested algebraic Bethe ansatz and possessing gl(N)-invariant R-matrix. We study two types of Bethe vectors. The first type corresponds to the original monodromy matrix. The second type is associated to a monodromy matrix closely related to the inverse of the monodromy matrix. We show that these two types of the Bethe vectors are identical up to normalization and reshuffling of the Bethe parameters. This identity gives new combinatorial relations for the scalar products of the Bethe vectors

October 21, 2019 at 11.30
Florent Ygouf
(Tel-Aviv Univ.)
Isoperiodic dynamics in rank 1 affines manifolds

A central problem in Teichmüller theory is the understanding of the dynamics of the action of the GL_2(R) action on the moduli space of translation surfaces. A recent and powerful result of Eskin Mirzakhani and Mohammadi has shed light on the structure of the closed invariant sets: they are affine submanifolds.
During this talk, I will define a foliation on those affine manifolds that generalizes the isoperiodic foliation on the moduli space and focus on the dynamics of their leaves in the rank 1 case: they are either closed or dense and ergodic

October 21, 2019
Nikita Nekrasov
(Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Skoltech)
On recent progress in old problems: wavefunctions of quantum integrable systems from gauge theory and Bethe/gauge dual of N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory / Part II

I will give a pedagogical introduction to crossed and folded instantons with the emphasis on applications to quantum integrable systems. I will also discuss a generalization of Bethe/gauge correspondence which is necessary to encompass the Bethe ansatz equations for the Y(gl(4|4)) spin chains recently proposed in the context of AdS/CFT correspondence

October 14, 2019
Albert Schwarz
(Univ. of California, Davis)
Geometric approach to quantum theory

We formulate quantum theory taking as a starting point the cone of states

October 7, 2019
Kirill Polovnikov
(Moscow State Univ., Skoltech)
Gaussian model of topologically stabilized polymer states

It is known that the equilibrium statistics of a trivial polymer ring in the melt of other polymer rings has a fractal dimension matching with the dimension of space. However, the non-commutativity of entanglements in rings creates hopeless difficulties for calculating the partition function and does not allow to advance in understanding conformational and dynamic properties of such a topological system from the very first principles. In the talk it will be proposed an effective Hamiltonian generating an ensemble of Gaussian conformations with a given fractal dimension, isomorphic to fractional Brownian trajectories.
Based on this Hamiltonian, a generalized dynamics model of a fractal chain in a medium with viscoelastic response will be presented and solved. Viscoelasticity simulates the action of nucleoplasm on the chromatin fiber in the nucleus, thus, the model allows to rationalize DNA loci-tracking data. I will show that the non-markovian property of three-dimensional walks with a topological invariant is connected with the fact that the loops of fractal Gaussian chains have correlated dynamics at all scales as soon as the fractal dimension is not equal to 2. In the end I will show why, in fact, the density of pair distances of monomers in the rings should deviate from Gaussian statistics, and discuss the relationship with the Tracy-Widom distribution

September 30, 2019
Misha Verbitsky
(IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, HSE Univ.)
Hyperkahler structure on the space of quasi-Fuchsian representations

Let $G$ be the fundamental group of a compact Riemannian surface $S$. The space $X$ of irreducible $SL(2,\C)$-representations of $G$ is equipped with a hyperkahler structure, constructed by Hitchin. This hyperkaehler structure a priori depends on the complex structure of $S$. Interpreting $X$ as “higher Teichmuller space”, V. Fock predicted that this hyperkahler structure is in fact independent from the choice of the complex structure on $S$. I would explain how this conjecture can be proved, using the functoriality of Kaledin-Feix construction of a hyperkahler structure in a neighbourhood of a Kahler manifold in its cotangent space

September 23, 2019
Leonid Rybnikov
(HSE Univ., IITP)
Gaudin model and crystals

Drinfeld-Kohno theorem relates the monodromy of KZ equation to the braid group action on a tensor product of $U_q(\mathfrak{g})$-modules by R-matrices. The KZ equation depends on the parameter $\kappa$ such that $q=\exp(\frac{\pi i}{\kappa})$. We study the limit of the Drinfeld-Kohno correspondence when $\kappa\to 0$ along the imaginary line. Namely, on the KZ side this limit is the Gaudin integrable magnet chain, while on the quantum group side the limit is the tensor product of $\mathfrak{g}$-crystals. The limit of the braid group action by the monodromy of KZ equation is the action of the fundamental group of the Deligne-Mumford space of real stable rational curves with marked points (called cactus group) on the set of eigenlines for Gaudin Hamiltonians (given by algebraic Bethe ansatz). On the quantum group side, the cactus group acts by crystal commutors on the tensor product of $\mathfrak{g}$-crystals. We construct a bijection between the set of solutions of the algebraic Bethe ansatz for the Gaudin model and the corresponding tensor product of $\mathfrak{g}$-crystals, which preserves the natural cactus group action on these sets. In particular, we get a combinatorial description of monodromy of solutions of Bethe ansatz equation for Gaudin model. We also expect some generalization of these results to the XXX Heisenberg chain.
(joint work with I. Halacheva, J. Kamnitzer and A. Weekes )

September 16, 2019
Igor Krichever
(Skoltech, HSE, Columbia Univ)
Bethe ansatz equations and integrable systems of particles

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