arXiv Fall2016

Joint seminar on Mathematical Physics
of HSE University and Skoltech Center for Advanced Studies
on Wednesdays at 17.30 at aud. 110 of the Faculty of Mathematics

December 14, 2016
Stanislav Smirnov
(Geneve Univ.)
Кластеры, петли и деревья в модели Изинга

December 7, 2016
Mark Mineev-Weinstein

Recent results in selection of observable patterns in Laplacian growth

Selecting a single member from continuum of stationary solutions of the nonlinear Laplacian growth equation (LGE), so that the selected member corresponds to the observable asymptotic pattern, is highly non-trivial and has attracted a lot of attention. This problem was solved in 1986 by adding surface tension and using the WKB-like theory, called “Asymptotics beyond all orders”, developed by Kruskal and others.
Finite-parametric exact solutions of LGE, obtained due to its integrability, made possible to challenge this traditional approach by selecting the correct member from a continuous family without surface tension. This was done in 1998 for a relatively simple geometric pattern, namely the finger propagating in a long rectangular Hele-Shaw channel.
After surveying this background, I will demonstrate very recent (and strange) selection results, obtained in 2014-2016 in a multi-connected moving domain. Using exact solutions for this geometry, we obtained that an arbitrary number of moving bubbles reach (after nonlinear interaction) the same asymptotic velocity, which is precisely twice the velocity of a background flow. (In the singular limit this result is reduced to the finger problem mentioned above

November 30, 2016
Alexei Rosly

Комплексифицируем всё

November 23, 2016
Semen Shlosman

Строгая теория метастабильности

November 16, 2016
Alexander Bufetov,

Quasi-symmetries and rigidity for determinantal point processes

November 9, 2016г.
Igor Krichever

On Peierls model

November 2, 2016г.
Andrei Semenov

Топология и физика: за что дали Нобелевскую премию 2016 года

October 26, 2016
Anton Zorich

Теоремы “волшебной палочки” Мирзахани-Мохаммади-Эскина и диффузия в периодических бильярдах

October 12, 2016
Alexander Gaifullin

Комбинаторные формулы для классов Понтрягина триангулированных многообразий

October 5, 2016
Igor Krichever

Analytic theory of difference equations

September 28, 2016
Yegor Zenkevich

Интегрируемая структура рафинированных топологических струн

September 21, 2016
Hiraku Nakajima

Cherkis bow varieties

Cherkis bow varieties were originally introduced as ADHM type description of instantons on multi-Taub-NUT spaces. They involve solutions of ordinary differential equations (Nahm’s) equations, hence difficult to handle. We give their quiver description, and study their algebro-geometric properties.
This is a joint work with Yuuya Takayam

September 14, 2016
Michael Finkelberg

Comultiplication for shifted Yangians and quantum open Toda lattice

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