arXiv Spring2019

Center for Advanced Studies Seminar on Mondays
at 14.30 at Skoltech

June 17, 2019
Maxim Braverman
(Northeastern Univ.)
The Berry phase and the phase of the determinant

We show that under very general assumptions the adiabatic approximation of the phase of the zeta-regularized determinant of the imaginary-time Schrodinger operator with periodic Hamiltonian is equal to the Berry phase

June 10, 2019
Vladimir Bazhanov
(Australian National Univ.)
On the scaling behaviour of the alternating spin chain

In this talk I will report the results of the study of a 1D integrable alternating spin chain whose critical behaviour is governed by a CFT possessing a continuous spectrum of scaling dimensions. I will review both analytical and numerical approaches to analyzing the spectrum of low energy excitations of the model. It turns out that the computation of the density of Bethe states of the continuous theory can be reduced to the calculation of the connection coefficients for a certain class of differential equations whose monodromy properties are similar to those of the conventional confluent hypergeometric equation. The finite size corrections to the scaling are also discussed

May 20, 2019
Alexander Braverman
(Perimeter Inst., Univ. of Toronto, Skoltech)
Introduction to the local geometric Langlands correspondence

May 13, 2019
Elli Pomoni
(DESY, Hamburg)
Exact results in N=1 theories of class Sk

We will begin by introducing this class of N=1 SCFTs, which is obtained from Gaiotto’s class S of N=2 SCFTs via orbifolding. We can study the Coulomb branch of these theories by constructing and analyzing their spectral curves. Employing our experience with the AGT correspondence we will search for a 2D/4D relation for the N=1 SCFTs in class Sk. From the curves we can identify the 2D CFT symmetry algebra and its representations, namely the conformal blocks of the Virasoro/W-algebra, that underlie the 2D theory and reproduce the spectral curves of the N = 1 SCFTs. These conformal blocks give a prediction for the instanton partition functions of the 4D N = 1 SCFTs of class Sk. Finally, we will present a completely independent, elliptic genus calculation, counting open string states on Dp/D(p-4) brane systems in type IIB string theory, which exactly reproduces our previous result for the instanton partition functions

April 29, 2019
Alexis Bouthier
(Mathematics Inst. of Jussieu–Paris)
Around Hitchin type fibrations

We will survey some results on different versions of Hitchin fibrations, the Lie algebra and the group cases and explain they appear as global versions of local objects, such as affine Springer fibers, that play a crucial role in local harmonic analysis and geometric representation theory

April 15, 2019
Evgeny Feigin
(HSE Univ., Skoltech)
Schur polynomials and Peter-Weyl theorem for current algebras

Thursday, April 11, 2019 at 13.45
Ben Hoare
(ETH Zürich)
The Yang-Baxter deformation of the AdS5 x S5 superstring: resolving some puzzle

The Yang-Baxter deformation of the AdS5 x S5 superstring continues to give important insights into integrable string sigma models. However, it has also led to a number of puzzles. Focusing on the particular deformation that corresponds to q-deforming the symmetry algebra, we will review the construction of the deformed model and discuss recent progress in resolving some of these puzzles. In particular, we will elucidate when the deformed background solves the type IIB supergravity equations of motion and thus gives rise to a critical string theory. To conclude, we will discuss some of the puzzles that remain unanswered

April 8, 2019
Martin Moeller
(Frankfurt Univ.)
Characteristic numbers of billards and intersection theory on moduli space

Siegel-Veech constants measure the growth of the number of closed billiard paths in rational polygons, or more generally closed geodesics on flat surfaces. The talk links the computation of these Siegel-Veech constants to intersection numbers of tautological classes on the moduli space of flat surfaces

April 1, 2019 / Piotr Grinevich (Landau Inst., Moscow Univ.)
Totally non-negative Grassmannians, M-curves and real regular KP-2 solutions / II

Real regular multisoliton KP-2 solutions correspond to totally non-negative points of finite-dimensional Grassmannians. Using the parametrization of such Grassmaninans in terms of Le-networks we construct these solutions as degenerations of realregular finite-gap solutions associated with the so-called M-curves. This is a joint work with Simonetta Abenda, Univ. of Bologna

March 25, 2019
Vasily Golyshev
(Kharkevich Inst.)
Monodromy of quantum differential equations

We work out in detail Dubrovin’s conjecture relating exceptional collections and vanishing cycles in the case of the Fano threefold V5. We compute the monodromy of its regularized quantum differential equation by a modular trick. We discuss the role of certain modular families in Fano classification.
We explain why the conjecture holds in the rigid hypergeometric cases of complete intersections in projective spaces, and explain how to `decouple’ Dubrovin’s conjecture into gamma conjectures that relate asymptotic classes to the gamma class. We go over a uniform proof of Gamma Conjecture I for all rank one Fano 3-folds by a modular method. We’ll explain how the truth of the gamma conjectures for grassmannians follows from the known case of the projective space via a tannakian argument

March 18, 2019
Piotr Grinevich
(Landau Inst., Moscow Univ.)
Totally non-negative Grassmannians, M-curves and real regular KP-2 solutions / I

Real regular multisoliton KP-2 solutions correspond to totally non-negative points of finite-dimensional Grassmannians. Using the parametrization of such Grassmaninans in terms of Le-networks we construct these solutions as degenerations of realregular finite-gap solutions associated with the so-called M-curves. This is a joint work with Simonetta Abenda, Univ. of Bologna

March 11, 2019
Alexander Gaifullin
(Skoltech, Steklov Inst., Moscow Univ.)
On cohomology of subgroups of mapping class groups

The mapping class group of an oriented closed surface Sg of genus g is the quotient of the group of orientation preserving homeomorphisms of Sg onto itself by the group of homeomorphisms isotopic to the identity. The mapping class group contains a lot of interesting subgroups. The most important of them are the Torelli group Ig and the Johnson kernel Kg. The Torelli group consists of all mapping classes that act trivially on homology of the surface. The Johnson kernel admits several definitions. For instance, it is the subgroup of the mapping class group generated by Dehn twists about all curves that separate the surface.
We shall study the homology of the Torelli group and the Johnson kernel. One of the motivations for studying them is that the homology of the Torelli group is exactly the homology of (non-compactified) moduli space of genus g curves with fixed bases in their first homology groups.
In 2007, Bestvina, Bux, and Margalit constructed a special cell complex called the complex of cycles on which the groups Ig and Kg act, and used it to study the homology of these groups. They proved that the cohomological dimensions of the groups Ig and Kg are equal to 3g-5 and to 2g-3, respectively. Further, they proved that the top (3g-5)-dimensional homology group of the Torelli group Ig is not finitely generated. However, they did not manage to obtain the same result for the top homology group of the Johnson kernel Kg. This will be one of the two main result of the talk. Namely, we shall show that the group H2g-3(Kg) contains a free abelian subgroup of infinite rank. Another results will concern homology of the Torelli group below the top dimension 3g-5. Namely, we shall prove that the k’th homology group of Ig is not finitely presented whenever k is in the range from 2g-3 to 3g-6

March 4, 2019
Oleg Lychkovskiy
(Skoltech, Steklov Inst.)
Mobile impurity in a one-dimensional quantum fluid: Perpetual motion after a local quantum quench

Consider a mobile impurity particle injected in a one-dimensional quantum fluid with some initial velocity v_0. Surprisingly enough, the impurity does not stop after the relaxation is over, but keeps moving perpetually with some velocity v_inf. We analytically calculate v_inf as a function of v_0 in an integrable model solved by McGuire in 1965. Despite the long history of the model, only recently it was realized that its eigenfunctions can be expressed in an unusually simple form of Slater-like determinants. We utilize this finding to obtain our analytical results

February 25, 2019
Yurii Neretin
(Univ. of Vienna, ITEP)
Infinite-dimensional (G,K)-pairs and train constructions

February 18, 2019
Nikita Nekrasov
(Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Skoltech)
Surface defects in gauge theories, Painleve VI, and quantum /classical correspondence

February 11, 2019
Alexander Belavin
(Landau Inst., Kharkevich Inst.)
JKLMR conjecture and Batyrev’s polytopes

January 28, 2019
Vasily Krylov
(Skoltech, HSE Univ.)
A geometric construction of universal enveloping algebras of maximal nilpotent subalgebras of semisimple Lie algebras via deformations of zastava spaces

This talk is a review of the paper (joint with M. Finkelberg and I. Mircovic).
Let G be a reductive complex algebraic group with a Lie algebra g. We will describe a geometric construction of the universal enveloping algebra of the positive nilpotent subalgebra of the Langlands dual Lie algebra of g.
We will realize this universal enveloping algebra as the direct sum of top compactly supported cohomology of the intersections of opposite semiinfinite orbits in the affine Grassmannian of G. Product on this space will be constructed via certain one-parametric deformations of intersections of opposite semiinfinite orbits (these deformations were constructed by S. Schieder). We will describe these deformations explicitly in the case G=SL2 and will prove our theorem for this particular example.
If time permits, we will give a sketch of a proof of our theorem for general G (based on the geometric Satake correspondence and Tannakian formalism)

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