Research advisor: Sukhorukov Gleb, Kotelevtsev Yuri
Program entry year: 2021
Graduated from MIPT, Department of Biological and Medical Physics in 2020
Research project: In vivo/ex vivo bioimaging of macrophages using fluorescent multilayer polymer microcapsules as a model carrier for the delivery of therapeutic agent
Research interests: Biomaterials, targeted drug delivery, cell biology, cell-mediated delivery systems, macrophages
Conference presentations:
Oral presentation:
Grant of RSF (project no. 22-15-00292)”Photoconvertible fluorescent capsules as a new approach to the study of cell migration processes, their behavior and functions in fundamental biomedicine”, 2022-2024, performer
PhD Graduate 2017
MSc student graduate 2019
MSc student graduate 2019
MSc graduate 2019
MSc graduate 2019
MSc graduate 2019
MSc graduate 2020
MSc student graduate 2019
Joint PhD Program with The University of Strasbourg
MSc student graduate 2019
MSc student