Research advisor: Professor Konstantin Severinov
Program entry year: 2017 – MSc, 2019 – PhD
Graduated from BSU, Faculty of Biology in 2017;
Research project: Evolutionary connection between programmed cell death in prokaryotes and eukaryotes and its relation with immunity mechanisms
Research interests: Interactions between bacteria and phages
Academic mobility:
University: Pasteur Institute, Paris, France
Laboratory: Molecular Biology of Gene in Extremophiles
Project: A study of bacteriophage infection process in Extremophiles
Dates: 1.10.2018 – 28.02.2019
Artamonova, D., Karneyeva, K., Medvedeva, S., Klimuk, E., Kolesnik, M., Yasinskaya, A., Samolygo, A., & Severinov, K. (2020). Spacer acquisition by Type III CRISPR-Cas system during bacteriophage infection of Thermus thermophilus. Nucleic acids research, gkaa685. Advance online publication.
PhD Graduate 2017
MSc student graduate 2019
MSc student graduate 2019
MSc graduate 2019
MSc graduate 2019
MSc graduate 2019
MSc graduate 2020
MSc student graduate 2019
Joint PhD Program with The University of Strasbourg
MSc student graduate 2019
MSc student