Ph.D. thesis title (even preliminary): “Machine-learning-assisted design of energy materials”.
Supervisor: Prof. Alexander Shapeev
Vadim has graduated from Moscow Power Engineering Institute with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Electronics and Nanoelectronics. During his master’s studies, Vadim has joined a double degree program with Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland), where he received an additional master’s degree in Technical Physics. Vadim has completed his master’s thesis at Aalto University focusing on the application of machine learning algorithms for a band gap prediction of crystalline materials under the supervision of Prof. Patrick Rinke. After graduation, Vadim worked in Russian Quantum Center as a research assistant, focusing on many-body quantum systems and investigation of quantum phase transitions using neural networks.
Since 2019 at Skoltech Vadim is working on the discovery of materials for energy sources using electronic structure calculations and machine learning.