How to Apply

!!! Conference participants will be able to present their presentation at poster session !!! (see requirements below)

Please, fill the registration form (see Section Registration) and attach your Abstract and CV.

The Abstract should be prepared according the following requirements:

1. File format: *.doc, *docx.

2. Total size: maximum 1 page A4 with the formatting according the template (including graphics).

3. All images should be clear in resolution and subscription.

4. All acknowledgements should be included in text (no separate sections).

5. References should be listed in a separate section and indicated in text using square brackets: [2]. Format the references PRECISELY using the formatting in the template.

6. Do not change the formatting of the template (font, font size, margins, orientation, etc.).

7. Chemical formulas should be formatted appropriately (use subscripts, superscripts, check the Greek letters).

Please, upload the template icys2024_abstract_template

Applicant’s CV should be prepared according the following requirements:

1. File format: *.doc, *docx of *pdf.

2. Total size: maximum 2 pages A4.

3. CV should be provided IN ENGLISH and contain the following information about the applicant:

  • name,
  • age,
  • education,
  • research experience and interests,
  • current position,
  • publications
  • other relevant information

Poster requirements:

1. Format: A0

2. Orientation: vertical

3. Language: English

4. No opportunity to print your poster at Skoltech