
Ivan Tereshchenko

PhD student

Ph.D. thesis: “Polyanion cathode materials for metal-ion batteries based on complex phosphates”

Supervisor: Prof. Artem M. Abakumov

Co-Supervisor: Prof. Evgeny V. Antipov

IDC committee members: Prof. Artem M. Abakumov, Prof. Evgeny V. Antipov, Senior Research Scientist Oleg A. Drozhzhin

Ivan graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2014 majoring in chemical materials and technology; his diploma work was dedicated to synthesis and investigation of LiCoBO3-based cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries. In 2018 Ivan graduated from the aspirantura of Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree of researcher/instructor-researcher and a diploma work devoted to a set of miscellaneous oxoanionic cathode materials for metal-ion batteries. At Skoltech Ivan’s research is focused on synthesis of cathode materials for sodium- and potassium-ion batteries and their investigation operando by means of X-ray powder diffraction and spectroscopy. Ivan has experience in synthesis of inorganic polycrystalline materials by hydrothermal, solvothermal and ceramic methods and their characterization by X-ray powder diffraction and electrochemical methods.

List of papers:

  1. Oleg A. Drozhzhin, Ivan V. Tereshchenko, Hermann Emerich, Evgeny V. Antipov, Artem M. Abakumov, Dmitry Chernyshov. An electrochemical cell with sapphire windows for operando synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction and spectroscopy studies of high-power and high-voltage electrodes for metal-ion batteries. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, vol. 25, № 2, pp. 468-472 (2018);
  2. Maxim V. Zakharkin, Oleg A. Drozhzhin, Ivan V. Tereshchenko, Dmitry Chernyshov, Artem M. Abakumov, Evgeny V. Antipov, Keith J. Stevenson. Enhancing Na+ Extraction Limit through High Voltage Activation of the NASICON-Type Na4MnV(PO4)3 Cathode. ACS Applied Energy Materials, vol. 1, № 11, pp. 5842-5846 (2018);
  3. Ivan V. Tereshchenko, Dmitry A. Aksyonov, Oleg A. Drozhzhin, Igor A. Presniakov, Alexey V. Sobolev, Andriy Zhugayevych, Daniil Striukov, Keith J. Stevenson, Evgeny V. Antipov, Artem M. Abakumov. The Role of Semilabile Oxygen Atoms for Intercalation Chemistry of the Metal-Ion Battery Polyanion Cathodes. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 140, № 11, pp. 3994-4003 (2018);
  4. Oleg A. Drozhzhin, Ivan V. Tereshchenko, Evgeny V. Antipov. Novel synthetic approaches to LiCoBO3 cathode material and its electrochemical properties. Ceramics International, vol. 43, № 5, pp. 4670-4673 (2017).


List of conferences:

  1. Maxim V. Zakharkin, Oleg A. Drozhzhin, Ivan V. Tereschenko, Artem M. Abakumov, Evgeny V. Antipov, Keith J. Stevenson. Unusual solid-solution behavior of NASICON-structured cathode materials for sodium-ion batteries (Poster). 5th International Conference on Sodium Batteries (ICNaB-2018), Saint-Malo, France (2018);
  2. Ivan V. Tereshchenko. Comprehensive structural investigation of layered fluoride-phosphates A2MPO4F (A=Na, Li; M=Fe, Co, Mn, Mg) (Poster). III International Conference of Young Scientists “Topical Problems of Modern Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Materials Science”, Vozdvizhenskoe park hotel, Russia (2018);
  3. Ivan V. Tereshchenko. Comprehensive structural investigation of layered fluoride-phosphates A2MPO4F (A=Na, Li; M=Fe, Co, Mn, Mg) (Poster). XV International Conference “Topical problems of energy conversion in lithium electrochemical systems”, Saint Petersburg, Russia (2018);
  4. Maxim V. Zakharkin, Oleg A. Drozhzhin, Ivan V. Tereschenko, Artem M. Abakumov, Evgeny V. Antipov, Keith J. Stevenson. Enhancing Na+ Extraction Limit through High Voltage Activation of the NASICON-Type Na4MnV(PO4)3 Cathode Material (Invited talk). 8th Week of the Young Researcher, Chemical Energy Storage and Conversion, Kazan, Russia (2018);
  5. Maxim V. Zakharkin, Oleg A. Drozhzhin, Ivan V. Tereschenko, Artem M. Abakumov, Evgeny V. Antipov, Keith J. Stevenson. Unusual solid-solution behavior of NASICON-structured сathode materials for sodium-ion batteries (Poster). 19th International Symposium on the Reactivity of Solids (ISRS-19), Bayreuth, Germany (2018);
  6. Evgeny V. Antipov, Oleg A. Drozhzhin, Ivan V. Tereshchenko, Vasily D. Sumanov, Maxim V. Zakharkin, Igor A. Presnyakov, Alexey V. Sobolev, Artem M. Abakumov. Non-equilibrium phase transitions in electrode materials of metal-ion batteries studied by operando diffraction and spectroscopic techniques (Invited talk). III Baikal Materials Science Forum, Ulan-Ude and v. Goryachinsk, Lake Baikal, Russia (2018);
  7. Ivan V. Tereshchenko, Oleg A. Drozhzhin, Igor A. Presniakov, Aleksei V. Sobolev, Daniil V. Striukov, Andriy Zhugayevych, Keith Stevenson, Evgeny V. Antipov, Artem M. Abakumov, Dmitry A. Aksyonov. The role of “dangling” oxygen atoms for intercalation chemistry of the metal-ion battery polyanion cathodes in the case of Na2FePO4F (Poster). II International Conference of Young Scientists “Topical Problems of Modern Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Materials Science”, Vozdvizhenskoe park hotel, Russia (2017);
  8. Ivan V. Tereshchenko, Oleg A. Drozhzhin, Igor A. Presniakov, Aleksei V. Sobolev, Daniil V. Striukov, Andriy Zhugayevych, Keith Stevenson, Evgeny V. Antipov, Artem M. Abakumov, Dmitry A. Aksyonov. The role of “dangling” oxygen atoms for intercalation chemistry of the metal-ion battery polyanion cathodes in the case of Na2FePO4F (Talk). 5th International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Energy Storage Systems, Astana, Kazakhstan (2017);
  9. Ivan V. Tereshchenko, Gregory A. Skorupsky, Oleg A. Drozhzhin, Evgeny V. Antipov. Hydro- and solvothermal synthesis of Na2FePO4F as cathode materials for lithium- and sodium-ion batteries (Poster). XIV International Conference “Topical Problems of Energy Conversion in Lithium Electrochemical Systems”, Suzdal, Russia (2016);
  10. Oleg A. Drozhzhin, Vasily D. Sumanov, Ivan V. Tereshchenko, Anastasiya D. Grebenszhikova. Phase transformations behavior during operation of the phosphate and fluoride-phosphate cathode materials for Li(Na)-ion batteries (Talk). XIV International Conference “Topical Problems of Energy Conversion in Lithium Electrochemical Systems”, Suzdal, Russia (2016);
  11. Ivan V. Tereshchenko, Gregory A. Skorupsky, Oleg A. Drozhzhin, Evgeny V. Antipov. Hydro- and solvothermal synthesis of Na2FePO4F as cathode materials for lithium- and sodium-ion batteries (Poster). 67th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, The Hague, Netherlands (2016);
  12. Ivan V. Tereshchenko, Gregory A. Skorupsky, Oleg A. Drozhzhin, Evgeny V. Antipov. Синтез сольвотермальным методом и исследование электрохимических характеристик фторидофосфатов Na2MPO4F (M=Fe, Co) (Poster). 13th International Meeting “Fundamental Problems of Solid State Ionics”, Chernogolovka, Russia (2016);
  13. Ivan V. Tereshchenko. Синтез сольвотермальным методом и исследование электрохимических характеристик фторидофосфатов Na2MPO4F (M=Fe, Co) (Talk). XXIII International scientific conference of students and young scientists “Lomonosov-2016”, Moscow, Russia (2016);
  14. Ivan V. Tereshchenko, Gregory A. Skorupsky, Oleg A. Drozhzhin, Nellie R. Khasanova, Evgeny V. Antipov. Катодные материалы для литий- и натрий-ионных аккумуляторов на основе фторидофосфатов натрия и переходных металлов, синтезированных гидротермальным методом (Poster). XIV Конференция молодых ученых “Актуальные проблемы неорганической химии: перспективные методы синтеза веществ и материалов”, Zvenigorod, Russia (2015);
  15. Ivan V. Tereshchenko, Gregory A. Skorupsky, Oleg A. Drozhzhin, Nellie R. Khasanova, Evgeny V. Antipov. Hydrothermal synthesis of sodium and transition metals fluorophosphates as cathode materials for lithium- and sodium-ion batteries (Poster). International Conference “Condensed Matter Research at the IBR-2”, Dubna, Moscow Oblast, Russia (2015);
  16. Ivan V. Tereshchenko. Гидротермальный синтез катодных материалов для литий- и натрий-ионных аккумуляторов на основе фторидофосфатов щелочных и переходных металлов (Talk). XXII International scientific conference of students and young scientists “Lomonosov-2015”, Moscow, Russia (2015);
  17. Ivan V. Tereshchenko, Oleg A. Drozhzhin, Nellie R. Khasanova, Evgeny V. Antipov. Синтез и электрохимические свойства катодных материалов на основе LiCoBO3 для литий-ионных аккумуляторов (Poster). 12th International Meeting “Fundamental Problems of Solid State Ionics”, Chernogolovka, Russia (2014);
  18. Ivan V. Tereshchenko, Oleg A. Drozhzhin, Nellie R. Khasanova, Evgeny V. Antipov. Синтез и электрохимические свойства катодных материалов на основе LiCoBO3 для литий-ионных аккумуляторов (Poster). 10th International conference “Renewable Energy. Applied Aspects of Developments and Practical Use”, Chernogolovka, Russia (2014);
  19. Oleg A. Drozhzhin, Ivan V. Tereshchenko, Nellie R. Khasanova, Evgeny V. Antipov. Катодные материалы литий-ионных аккумуляторов на основе сложных боратов лития и переходных металлов (Talk). 10th International conference “Renewable Energy. Applied Aspects of Developments and Practical Use”, Chernogolovka, Russia (2014);
  20. Ivan V. Tereshchenko. Синтез и электрохимические свойства катодных материалов на основе LiCoBO3 для литий-ионных аккумуляторов (Talk). XXI International scientific conference of students and young scientists “Lomonosov-2014”, Moscow, Russia (2014).
Artem Abakumov Full Professor, Director of the Center for Energy Science and Technology
Polina Rumyantseva Assistant CREI Director for Administration
Evgeny Antipov Full Professor
Dmitry Titov Associate Professor of the Practice
Federico Martin Ibanez Associate Professor
Marina Dolmatova Associate Professor of the Practice
Sergey V. Levchenko Associate Professor
Stanislav Fedotov Associate Professor
Dmitry Aksyonov Assistant Professor
Elena Gryazina Assistant Professor
Oleg Khamisov Assistant Professor
Olga Shmatova Assistant Professor
Victoria Nikitina Assistant Professor
Victor Chernyshev Principal Research Scientist
Maria Kirsanova Senior Research Scientist
Svetlana Lipovskikh (Borisova) Senior Research Scientist
Andrey Novikov Senior Research Scientist
Mikhail Pugach Senior Research Scientist
Aleksandra Savina Senior Research Scientist
Konstantin Shepelenko Senior Research Scientist
Anton Boev Research Scientist
Yury Dikhtyar Research Scientist
Andrey Geondzhian Research Scientist
Irina Kutovaia Research Scientist
Anatolii Morozov Research Scientist
Alla Pustovalova Research Scientist
Anatolii Volkov Research Scientist
Dmitrii Govorov Junior Research Scientist
Alena Komayko Junior Research Scientist
Sergei Marshenia Junior Research Scientist
Olga Parfenova Junior Research Scientist
Sergey Porokhin Junior Research Scientist
Elvira Styuf Junior Research Scientist
Adelina Zasypkina Junior Research Scientist
Mikhail Afonin Senior Laboratory Engineer
Alexander Agapov Project Manager
Dmitry Botin Specialist
Ekaterina Guseva Project Specialist
Ildar Idrisov Software Engineer
Alice Isaeva Specialist for Administration
Sergey Krivutsenko Research Engineer
Alexey Nedoluzhko Lead Analyst
Egor Pazhetnov Principal Industrial Engineer
Dmitry Pogozhev Senior Industry Project Manager
Ilya Savin Laboratory Engineer
Yaroslav Vlasov Senior Laboratory Engineer
Klim Volkhov Research Engineer