Ph.D. thesis: “Development of dual-ion batteries based on organic electrode materials”
Supervisor: Prof. Keith J. Stevenson
IDC committee members: Prof. Keith J. Stevenson, Prof. Andriy Zhugayevych, Prof. Timofei Zatsepin
Filipp graduated with BSc from Saint Petersburg State University in 2015, where his research was mainly focused on organic synthesis. In the same year, he moved to Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology and expand his research interests to material chemistry. Under the supervision of Prof. Pavel Troshin, Filipp conducted the research on design of organic photochromic materials for OFET-based memory devices. During his master studies, Filipp got involved in organic synthesis of photochromic compounds at N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS in Moscow. The second part of the project was devoted to the fabrication and evaluation of OFET-based optical memory devices and was implemented successfully at the joint research center between Skoltech and the institute for Problems of Chemical Physics in Chernogolovka. The third part of the project was focused on the investigation of the operating mechanism of the devices by spectral methods and implemented at Linz Institute of Organic Solar Cells and Kaunas University of Technology. Filipp is currently performing research devoted to design and investigation of novel organic cathode materials for dual-ion batteries.
Filipp graduated with BSc from Saint Petersburg State University in 2015, where his research was mainly focused on organic synthesis. In the same year, he moved to Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology and expand his research interests to material chemistry. During his master studies, Filipp conducted the research on design of organic photochromic materials for OFET-based memory devices and got involved in organic synthesis and device fabrication related activities. Filipp is currently performing research devoted to design and investigation of novel organic cathode materials for dual-ion batteries.
Journal papers: