
Filipp Obrezkov

PhD Student

Ph.D. thesis: “Development of dual-ion batteries based on organic electrode materials”

Supervisor: Prof. Keith J. Stevenson

IDC committee members: Prof. Keith J. Stevenson, Prof. Andriy Zhugayevych, Prof. Timofei Zatsepin

Filipp graduated with BSc from Saint Petersburg State University in 2015, where his research was mainly focused on organic synthesis. In the same year, he moved to Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology and expand his research interests to material chemistry. Under the supervision of Prof. Pavel Troshin, Filipp conducted the research on design of organic photochromic materials for OFET-based memory devices. During his master studies, Filipp got involved in organic synthesis of photochromic compounds at N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS in Moscow. The second part of the project was devoted to the fabrication and evaluation of OFET-based optical memory devices and was implemented successfully at the joint research center between Skoltech and the institute for Problems of Chemical Physics in Chernogolovka. The third part of the project was focused on the investigation of the operating mechanism of the devices by spectral methods and implemented at Linz Institute of Organic Solar Cells and Kaunas University of Technology. Filipp is currently performing research devoted to design and investigation of novel organic cathode materials for dual-ion batteries.

Filipp graduated with BSc from Saint Petersburg State University in 2015, where his research was mainly focused on organic synthesis. In the same year, he moved to Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology and expand his research interests to material chemistry. During his master studies, Filipp conducted the research on design of organic photochromic materials for OFET-based memory devices and got involved in organic synthesis and device fabrication related activities. Filipp is currently performing research devoted to design and investigation of novel organic cathode materials for dual-ion batteries.




Journal papers:

  1. F. Obrezkov, A. Somova, E. Fedina, S. Vasil’ev, K. Stevenson, P. Troshin, “Dihydrophenazine-Based Copolymers as Promising Cathode Materials for Dual-Ion Batteries”, Energy Technology, 2020, (Q1, IF = 3.486)
  2. F. Obrezkov, D. Dashitsyrenova, A. Lvov, D. Volyniuk, V. Shirinian, P. Stadler, J. Grazulevicius, N. Sariciftci, S. Aldoshin, M. Krayushkin, P. Troshin, “Light-Sensitive Material Structure-Electrical Performance Relationship for Optical Memory Transistors Incorporating Photochromic Dihetarylethenes”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 12, 32987. (Q1, IF = 8.901)
  3. F. Obrezkov, V. Ramezankhani, I. Zhidkov, V. Traven, E. Kurmaev, K. J. Stevenson and P. Troshin, “High-Energy and High-Power-Density Potassium Ion Batteries Using Dihydrophenazine-Based Polymer as Active Cathode Material”, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2019, 10, 5440. (Q1, IF = 7.811)
  4. R. Kapaev, F. Obrezkov, K. Stevenson, P. Troshin, “Metal-ion batteries meet supercapacitors: High capacity and high rate capability rechargeable batteries with organic cathodes and a Na/K alloy anode”, ChemComm, 2019, 55, 11758. (Q1, IF = 5.818)
  5. V. Turkovic, M. Prete, M. Bregnhøj, L. Inasaridze, D. Volyniuk, F. Obrezkov, J. Grazulevicius, S. Engmann, H.-G. Rubahn, P. Troshin, P. Ogilby, M. Madsen, “Biomimetic Approach to Inhibition of Photooxidation in Organic Solar Cells Using Beta-Carotene as an Additive”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 11, 41570. (Q1, IF = 8.901)
  6. F. Obrezkov, A. Shestakov, V. Traven, K. J. Stevenson and P. Troshin, “An ultrafast charging polyphenylamine-based cathode material for high rate lithium, sodium and potassium batteries”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, 7, 11430. (Q1, IF = 10.694)
  7. A. Akkuratov, F. Prudnov, O. Mukhacheva, S. Luchkin, D. Sagdullina, F. Obrezkov, P. Kuznetsov, D. Volyniuk, J. V. Grazulevichus, P. Troshin, “New cyclopentadithiophene-based (X-DAD′AD) n conjugated polymers for organic solar cells”, Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, 2019, 193, 66. (Q1, IF = 5.608)
  8. A. Razgoniaev, K. Mikhailov, F. Obrezkov, E. Butaeva, A. Ostrowski, “Supramolecular elastomers: Switchable mechanical properties and tuning photohealing with changes in supramolecular interactions”, J. Polym. Sci. A, 2018, 56, 1003. (Q1, IF = 2.431)



  1. F. A. Obrezkov, A.F. Shestakov, P.A. Troshin; “Polydiphenylamine-based cathodes for dual-ion batteries”; 6th International fall school on organic electronics; September 14-17, 2020 – online poster session.
  2. F. A. Obrezkov, A. F. Shestakov, V. F. Traven, K. J. Stevenson and Pavel A. Troshin; “Polyphenylamine-based Cathode Material for Ultrafast Charging Lithium, Sodium and Potassium Batteries”; Electrochemical Conference on Energy and the Environment: Bioelectrochemistry and Energy Storage; July 21-26, 2019 – poster session.
  3. F. Obrezkov, A. Shestakov, V. Traven, K. Stevenson and P. Troshin; “Ultrafast charging organic cathode material for high rate lithium, sodium and potassium batteries”; Skoltech young scientists cross-disciplinary conference “GEN-Y 2.0”; March 13-17, 2019 – poster session.
  4. F. Obrezkov, K. Stevenson, P. Troshin; “Organic cathode material for ultra-fast dual-ion batteries” 3rd annual Skoltech – MIT conference “Collaborative solutions for next generation education, science and technology”; October 15-16, 2018 – poster session
  5. F. Obrezkov, A. Shestakov, K. Stevenson and P. Troshin; “High capacity polyphenylamine-based cathode material with high rate capability for dual-ion batteries” 3rd international conference of young scientists; “Topical problems of modern electrochemistry and electrochemical material science”; September 23-26, 2018 poster session.
  6. F.A. Obrezkov, D.D. Dashitsyrenova, A. G. Lvov, V. Z. Shirinian, M.M. Krayushkin and P. A.Troshin; “Photoswitchable organic field-effect transistors with bis(hetaryl)ethene molecules at the semiconductor-dielectric interface: material structure – device performance”; 4th International fall school on organic electronics; September 16-20, 2018 oral talk.
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