Ph. D. Thesis: “Enhancement of Power & Gas Grid Reliability via Optimization, Statistics and Learning”
Supervisor: Prof. Petr Vorobev
IDC Committee Members: Prof. Petr Vorobev, Prof. Yury Maximov, Prof. Elena Gryazina
Aleksandr has received his BSc from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, where he was studying applied mathematics and physics. Meanwhile he was working as a research intern at Institute for Control Science of Russian Academy of Sciences under the supervision of Prof. B. T. Polyak. The thesis’ title was “Minimizing a quadratic function over the Euclidean sphere”. His MSc degree came from Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Energy System track. During his Master’s studies, his thesis was related to the transient gas transmission grids. Working under the supervision of Prof. Yury Maximov, Aleksandr was also a visiting student at the University of Arizona, USA (November-December 2019), where the hosting professor was Prof. Michael Chertkov. During the last year of his MSc he was a Teaching Assistant at the Large Scale Optimization and Applications course.
Aside from academic activity, Aleksandr also participated in a joint project of SkolTech and Sber on a detection of financial database system instability. During this project he held the role of researcher and software developer. Also, he takes part in other industrial projects that are conducted by Skoltech: oil well similarity learning (Aramco), Analysis of physical and financial risks driven by climate change (Sber), where his role is software developer and data analyst.
Currently, Aleksandr moved his research interest to the issues of power and gas grids’ stability and addresses these topics via advanced mathematical tools.
List of Papers:
“Importance Sampling Approach to Chance-Constrained DC OPF”,