publications 2022
People whose last names are highlighted in bold are Skoltech faculty, researchers, PhD students, or MSc students (in alphabetical order)
2022 / peer-reviewed publications /
- S. Abramyan, “Homology of the Spectrum”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 318, 1–12 (2022).
- A. Artemev, "Note on large-p limit of (2,2p+1) minimal Liouville gravity and moduli space volumes" Nuclear Phys. B, v.981, 2022, 115876[ PDF: English, arXiv: 2203.06629]
- A. Artemev, A. Belavin, "Five-point correlation numbers in minimal Liouville gravity and matrix models" Nucl.Physics B, V.985, 2022, 116019, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2207.01665]
- A. Artemev, A. Belavin, "Five-point correlation numbers in minimal Liouville gravity, Jetp Lett. 116, 600–607 (2022).
- D. Cherniavskii, E. Tulchinskii, V. Mikhailov, I. Proskurina, L. Kushnareva, E. Artemova, S. Barannikov, I. Piontkovskaya, D. Piontkovski, E. Burnaev, “Acceptability Judgements via Examining the Topology of Attention Maps”, Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022, 88-107, [PDF: English, arXiv: 2205.09630 ]
- A. Basalaev, "6-dimensional FJRW theories of the simple-elliptic singularities" Asian Journal of Mathematics, 2022, vol.26, No.1, pp. 45-80, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1610.07428]
- A. Basalaev, "Integrable systems associated to open extensions of type A and D Dubrovin-Frobenius manifolds" Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2022, 55(29), 295202
- A. Basalaev, A. Ionov, "Hochschild cohomology of Fermat type polynomials with non–abelian symmetries" Journal of Geometry and Physics, 2022, 174, 104450
- A. Basalaev, A. Takahashi, “Mirror Symmetry for a Cusp Polynomial Landau–Ginzburg Orbifold”, International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2022, Issue 19, October 2022, 14865–14922,, _top8%
- M. Bershtein, P. Gavrylenko, A. Grassi, “Quantum spectral problems and isomonodromic deformations”, Commun. Math. Phys. 393, 347–418 (2022) [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2105.00985] _top9%
- M. Bershtein, A. Vargulevich, "NSR singular vectors from Uglov polynomials ", J. Math. Phys. 63, 061706 (2022); [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2202.11810]
- A. Braverman, M. Finkelberg, R. Travkin, “Orthosymplectic Satake equivalence”, Comm. in Number Theory and Physics, 16(2022) #4 695–732, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1912.01930]
- A. Braverman, M. Finkelberg, “A quasi-coherent description of the the category of D-mod(GrGL(n))”, In: Baranovsky, V., Guay, N., Schedler, T. (eds) Representation Theory and Algebraic Geometry. Trends in Mathematics. Birkhäuser, Cham. (2022). [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1809.10774 ]
- A. Braverman, M. Finkelberg, H. Nakajima, “Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture via Zastava spaces”, Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 2022, v.787, 45-78 DOI 10.1515/crelle-2022-0013 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2007.09799 ] _top4%
- A. Arsie, A. Buryak, P. Lorenzoni, P. Rossi, “Riemannian F-Manifolds, Bi-Flat F-Manifolds, and Flat Pencils of Metrics”, International Mathematics Research Notices, V. 2022, Issue 21, (2022), 16730–16778,, _top8%
- A. Buryak, F. Hernandez Iglesias, S. Shadrin, “A conjectural formula for $DR_g(a,-a)\lambda_g$”, Epijournal de Geometrie Algebrique 6 (2022), [ PDF: English, arXiv: 22109.15245] _top9%
- A. Buryak, A. Netser Zernik, R. Pandharipande, R. Tessler, “Open $CP^1$ descendent theory I: The stationary sector”, Advances in Mathematics, 401 (2022), No.108249,, _top5%
- A. Buryak, E. Clader, R. J. Tessler, “Open r-spin theory I: Foundations”, International Mathematics Research Notices, V.2022, 14, July 2022, 10458–10532,, _top8%
- A. Arsie, A. Buryak, P. Lorenzoni, P. Rossi, “Riemannian F-manifolds, bi-flat F-manifolds, and flat pencils of metrics”, Intern. Mathematics Research Notices, 2022(21) Nov.2022, 16730–16778, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2104.09380] _top8%
- B. Bychkov, P. Dunin-Barkowski, M. Kazarian, S. Shadrin, “Explicit closed algebraic formulas for Orlov-Scherbin n-point functions” Journal de l’École polytechnique — Mathématiques, Tome 9 (2022), pp. 1121-1158, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2008.13123 ] _top7%
- A. Belavin, B. Eremin, “Multiple mirrors and the JKLMR conjecture”, Theor Math Phys 213, 1441–1452 (2022).
- E. Feigin, M. Lanini, A. Pütz, “Totally nonnegative Grassmannians, Grassmann necklaces and quiver Grassmannians”, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, pp. 1-34 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2108.10236]
- E. Feigin, A. Khoroshkin, I. Makedonskyi, “Duality theorems for current groups”, Isr. J. Math. 248, 441–479 (2022),
- V. Dotsenko, E. Feigin, M. Reineke, “Koszul algebras and Donaldson-Thomas invariants” Lett Math Phys 112, 106 (2022) [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2111.07588]
- M. Finkelberg , M. Kapranov, V. Schechtman, “Fourier transform on hyperplane arrangements”, In: Baranovsky, V., Guay, N., Schedler, T. (eds) Representation Theory and Algebraic Geometry. Trends in Mathematics. Birkhäuser, Cham. (2022)[ PDF: English, arXiv: 1712.07432 ]
- M. Finkelberg , V. Schechtman, Microlocal Approach to Lusztig’s Symmetries. In: Baranovsky, V., Guay, N., Schedler, T. (eds) Representation Theory and Algebraic Geometry. Trends in Mathematics. Birkhäuser, Cham. ]
- M. Finkelberg, D. Kazhdan, Y. Varshavsky, “Lusztig conjectures on S-cells in affine Weyl groups”, Isr. J. Math. 247, 379–404 (2022). [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2006.00451 ]
- V. Buchstaber, A. Gaifullin, A. Veselov, "Classification of involutive commutative two-valued groups" Russian Mathematical Surveys, 2022,v.77 (4), 651–727, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2302.05909]
- A. Gaifullin, “On the top homology group of Johnson kernel” Mosc. Math. J., 22:1 (2022), 83–102 doi/10.17323/1609-4514-2022-22-1-83-102 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1903.03864]
- M. Kazarian, S. Lando, “Weight systems and invariants of graphs and embedded graphs”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 77:5(467) (2022), 131–184,
- M. Kazarian, S. Lando, D. Zvonkine, “Double Hurwitz numbers and multisingularity loci in genus 0″, Int. Mathematics Research Notices, V.2022, Iss.12, June 2022, Pages 9529–9570, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1908.00455] _top8%
- M. Kazarian, “Recursion for Masur-Veech volumes of moduli spaces of quadratic differentials”, Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu, (2022) 21(4), 1471-1476. doi:10.1017/S1474748020000638 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1912.10422] _top7%
- I. Kochergin, “On Calabi-Yau manifolds in weighted projective spaces and their mirror GLSMs”, Phys. Rev. D 105, 066008, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2112.06335] _top8%
- I. Krichever, A. Zabrodin, “Constrained Toda hierarchy and turning points of the Ruijsenaars-Schneider model”, Lett Math Phys 112, 23 (2022). [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2109.05240]
- I. Krichever, N. Nekrasov, “Novikov-Veselov symmetries of the two dimensional O(N) sigma model”, SIGMA 18 (2022), 006, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2106.14201]
- I. Mirković, M. Vybornov, V. Krylov, “Comparison of quiver varieties, loop Grassmannians and nilpotent cones in type A”, Advances in Mathematics, 407, 2022, 108397, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1905.01810] _top5%
- A. Liashyk, S.Z. Pakuliak, “Recurrence relations for off-shell Bethe vectors in trigonometric integrable models”, J.Phys. A: Math.Theor. (2022). [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2109.07528]
- A. Liashyk, S.Z. Pakuliak, “On the R-matrix realization of quantum loop algebras” SciPost Phys. 12, 146 (2022) [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2106.10666] _top6%
- D. Kolyaskin, A. Litvinov, A. Zhukov, "R-matrix formulation of affine Yangian of glˆ(1|1) " Nucl.Physics B, V.985, 2022, 116023,[ PDF: English, arXiv: 2206.01636]
- E. Chistyakova, A. Litvinov, P. Orlov, “Affine Yangian of gl(2) and integrable structures of superconformal field theory”, J. High Energ. Phys. 2022, 102 (2022) [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2110.05870]
- M. Alfimov, A. Litvinov, “On loop corrections to integrable 2D sigma model backgrounds”, J. High Energ. Phys. 2022, 43 (2022). [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2110.05418]
- I. Makhlin, “Gelfand-Tsetlin degenerations of representations and flag varieties”, Transformation Groups 27, 563–596 (2022) [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1809.02258 ]
- I. Makhlin, “Gröbner fans of Hibi ideals, generalized Hibi ideals and flag varieties”, J. Combin. Theory, Ser. A 185 (2022) 105541. [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2003.02916]
- M. Matushko, A. Zotov, "On R-matrix identities related to elliptic anisotropic spin Ruijsenaars-Macdonald operators" Theor Math Phys 213, 1543–1559 (2022). [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2211.08529]
- M. Del Zotto, N. Nekrasov, N. Piazzalunga, M. Zabzine, “Playing with the index of M-theory” Commun. Math. Phys. (2022). [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2103.10271] _top9%
- N. Nekrasov, N. Piazzalunga, M. Zabzine, “Shifts of prepotentials” SciPost Phys. 12, 177 (2022).[ PDF: English, arXiv: 2111.07663] _top6%
- A. Bufetov, G. Olshanski, “A hierarchy of Palm measures for determinantal point processes with gamma kernels”, Studia Mathematica 267 (2) (2022), 121-160, doi: 10.4064/sm210823-10-3 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1904.13371]
- C. Cuenca, G. Olshanski, “Infinite-dimensional groups over finite fields and Hall-Littlewood symmetric functions”, Adv. in Mathematics, 395 (2022), 108087, ISSN 0001-8708, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2102.01947] _top5%
- D. Kubrak, A. Prikhodko, “Hodge-to-de Rham degeneration for stacks”, International Mathematics Research Notices, V.2022 (17), 12852–12939, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1910.12665] _top8%
- D. Ioffe, S. Ott, S. Shlosman, Y. Velenik, “Critical prewetting 9n the 2d Ising model” Ann. Probab. 50(3): 1127-1172 (May 2022). [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2011.11997] _top2%
- O. Ogievetsky, S. Shlosman, "Art of Unlocking " Math Intelligencer 44, 320–325 (2022). [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2202.12013]
- G. Kondyrev, A. Prikhodko, “Holomorphic Atiyah–Bott Formula for Correspondences” Arnold Math J. 8, 497–511 (2022).
- S. Zakany, S. Smirnov, M. Milinkovitch, "Lizard Skin Patterns and the Ising Model" Phys. Rev. Lett. (2022) 128, 048102 doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.048102, _top4%
- A. Trofimova, A. Povolotsky, “Crossover scaling functions in the asymmetric avalanche process”, 2022 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55 025202, doi:10.1088/1751-8121/ac3ebb [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2109.06318]
- A. Gorsky, M. Vasilyev, A. Zotov, “Dualities in quantum integrable many-body systems and integrable probabilities. Part I. J. High Energ. Phys. 2022, 159 (2022). [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2109.05562]
- A. Zabrodin, A. Zotov, “Field analogue of the Ruijsenaars-Schneider model”, J. High Energ. Phys. 2022, 23 (2022). [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2107.01697]
- P. Wiegmann, A. Zabrodin, “Dyson gas on a curved contour”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55 165202 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2111.09941]
- T. Takebe, A. Zabrodin, "Dispersionless version of the constrained Toda hierarchy and symmetric radial Löwner equationy", Lett Math Phys 112, 105 (2022), [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2204.04406]
- A. Zabrodin, "Elliptic families of solutions to constrained Toda hierarchy", Theor Math Phys 213, 1362–1368 (2022), [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2201.07582]
- V. Delecroix, É. Goujard, P. Zograf, A. Zorich, “Large genus asymptotic geometry of random square-tiled surfaces and of random multicurves”, Invent. math. 230, 123–224 (2022) [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2007.04740] _top1%
- V. Delecroix, É. Goujard, P. Zograf, A. Zorich, “Counting lattice points in moduli spaces of quadratic differentials”, doi: 10.4171/ICM2022/56 Proc. Int. Cong. Math. 2022, Vol. ?, pp. 2–17
2022 / preprints /
- S. Barannikov, I. Trofimov, N. Balabin, E. Burnaev, “Representation Topology Divergence: A Method for Comparing Neural Network Representations”, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022). Vol 162, 1607-1626. [PDF: English, arXiv: 2201.00058 ]
- A. Braverman, M. Finkelberg, R. Travkin, "Orthosymplectic Satake equivalence, II " [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2207.03115]
- A. Braverman, G. Dhillon, M. Finkelberg, S. Raskin, R. Travkin, "Coulomb branches of noncotangent type (with appendices by Gurbir Dhillon and Theo Johnson-Freyd) " [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2201.09475]
- A. Buryak, S. Shadrin, "Tautological relations and integrable systems" [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2210.07552]
- A. Alexandrov, B. Bychkov, P. Dunin-Barkowski, M. Kazarian, S. Shadrin, "A universal formula for the x−y swap in topological recursion" [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2212.00320]
- B. Bychkov, P. Dunin-Barkowski, M. Kazarian, S. Shadrin, "Symplectic duality for topological recursion" [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2206.14792]
- E. Feigin, "PBW degenerations, quiver Grassmannians, and toric varieties" [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2201.03890]
- I. Dumanski, E. Feigin, I. Makedonskyi, I. Makhlin, "n reduced arc spaces of toric varieties" [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2208.10432]
- M. Finkelberg, I. Ukraintsev, "Hyperspherical equivariant slices and basic classical Lie superalgebras" [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2211.16007]
- M. Finkelberg, A. Postnikov, V. Schechtman, "Kostka numbers and Fourier duality " [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2206.00324]
- N. Ignatyuk, D. Skliannyi, "Calculation of connected contributions to the S-matrix using duality between lattice theories " [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2207.11503]
- I. Krichever, "Abelian pole systems and Riemann–Schottky-type problems" [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2202.04585]
- I. Makhlin, "Chain-order polytopes: toric degenerations, Young tableaux and monomial bases" [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2211.03499]
- H. Guo, D. Kubrak, A. Prikhodko, “Rational p-adic Hodge theory for d-de Rham-proper stacks”, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2211.17227]
- A. Rukhovich, “How close are cone singularities on a random flat surface?”, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2212.12806]
- P. Nikitin, N. Safonkin, “Semifinite harmonic functions on the direct product of graded graphs”, [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2209.05901]
- G. Shuklin, "A Voevodsky motive associated to a log scheme" [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2209.03720]
- E. Bogdanova, D. Kubrak, R. Travkin, V. Vologodsky, "The canonical global quantization of symplectic varieties in characteristic pquot; [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2211.17261]
- R. Travkin, R. Yang, "Untwisted Gaiotto equivalence" [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2201.10462]