program structure 24/28

The development of the program is carried out in accordance with federal state requirements and Skoltech local policies and regulations.
The structure of the program includes three components: a scientific component, an educational component and a final assessment. For the purpose of the most effective formation of competencies and the balance of the compulsory and elective parts, the educational program is organized according to a modular principle and includes thirteen modules.
Mastering the postgraduate program is carried out by postgraduate students according to an individual study plan, which includes an individual plan of scientific activity and an individual study plan.

Doctoral Program Element Compulsory
PhD thesis Research +
Research Methodology +
Advanced Major-Field courses +
General Doctoral Courses +
History and Philosophy of Science. Candidate Exam +
English. Candidate Exam +
Optional Courses -
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Courses -
Pedagogical Experience +
Thesis Proposal Defense +
Qualifying Exam +
Annual Progress Review +
Thesis Final Review +

Scientific component:

Module 1. PhD Thesis Research, which prepares the graduate student for independent scientific activity and is the main component of the PhD educational program.

Educational component:

Module 2. Research Methodology examines the main methods and practices of scientific research in the subject area, as well as general issues of scientific activity including the fundamental principles and concepts of research design, standards of integrity and ethics, practical skills in writing articles and applications for grants, etc.

Module 3. Advanced Major Field Courses provide an opportunity for in-depth study of a specific scientific field and aim at preparing for the candidate’s examinations in scientific specialties.

Module 4. General courses address questions on general problems of “History and Philosophy of Science” and prepare for practical knowledge of “English” for participation in various forms of international scientific exchange. Intermediate certification of English is equivalent to passing the corresponding candidate’s exam.

Module 5. Courses in Entrepreneurship and Innovation promote entrepreneurial thinking and explain strategies for the commercialization of research and start-up projects of graduate students.

Module 6. Pedagogical Experience prepares the graduate for practical teaching activities and includes a brief theoretical training and practical experience as a course teaching assistant.

Module 7. Thesis Proposal Defense presents the scientific rationale for the dissertation research topic and includes the following sections: the formulation of the research goal, the proposed method for achieving the goal, directions for the literature review, the proposed structure of the dissertation, and expected research results.

Module 8. The Qualifying exam assesses the knowledge and skills of a postgraduate student in the field of his research activities and is equated to a candidate’s exam in a specialty.

Module 9. The Annual Progress review evaluates the results of the postgraduate student’s work during the year and provides recommendations for the implementation of an individual plan. Evaluation of the quality of the research conducted and the results achieved by the postgraduate student is the basis for making a decision on the continuation of the postgraduate study in the PhD educational program.

Моdule 10. The Thesis Final Review (compulsory) is the final point of the Educational program. The modalities of the defense are organized following the regulations of Skoltech.

Electives (additional courses at the choice of a graduate student) – from 0 to 60 CU.