curriqulum 24/28

PhD Curriculum / full-time study, study period – 4 years, year of admission – 2024 /
PhD Program: “Mathematics and Mechanics” / Track “Mathematics”
research area: “1.1.2 Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics”, “1.1.3 Geometry and Topology”, 1.1.5. Mathematical Logic, Algebra, Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics
# Code Course Title ECTS credits Element status Study period, year of study
1. PhD Thesis Research
Thesis Research - Compulsory 1-4
2. Coursework
Research Methodology 6 Compulsory 1-2
1 DG060268 Research Seminar “Modern Problems of Mathematical Physics” 6
Advanced Major Field Courses from the list: 12 Compulsory 1-2
2 MA060690 Classical Groups, their Invariants and Representations 6
3 DA060271 Geometric Representation Theory 6
4 MA060597 Cluster Varieties and Integrable Systems 6
5 MA060692 Cluster Integrable Systems 6
6 MA060693 Characteristic Classes 6
7 MA060694 Introduction to Two-Dimensional Conformal Field Theory 6
8 MA060257 Modern Dynamical Systems 6
9 MA060601 Geometry in Field Theory, First Step 6
10 MA060602 Integrable Many-Body Systems and Nonlinear Equations 6
11 MA060695 Integrable Systems of Classical Mechanics 6
12 MA060696 Derived Equivalences of Satake 6
13 MA060697 Hamiltonian Mechanics 6
14 MA060698 Around the Ising Model in 20 Hours 6
15 MA060505 Introduction to Quantum Field Theory 6
16 MA060699 Methods of Conformal Field Theory for Quantum Field Theory and String Theory 6
General Doctoral courses 9 Compulsory 1-2
17 DG060026 History and Philosophy of Science. Candidate Exam 6
18 DG030003 English. Candidate Exam 3
Optional Courses Optional 1-2
19 DF030029 Academic Communication: Preparatory English for PhD Exam 3
20 Entrepreneurship and Innovation courses from Course Catalog
DG030005 Pedagogical Experience 3 Compulsory 1-2
DD060021 Thesis Proposal Defense 6 Compulsory 1-2
DD030020mm Qualifying Exam 3 Compulsory 1-2
Annual Progress Review - Compulsory 1,2,3
3. Thesis Final Review
Thesis Final Review - Compulsory 4