program structure 24/26

Each of Skoltech’s two-year Master’s programs comprise 120 ECTS credits.
Year 1 focuses on strengthening theoretical background, and
Year 2 is mostly devoted to research.

The structure of master’s programs includes a mandatory part and a part formed by participants in educational relations (elective). For the purpose of the most effective formation of competencies and the balance of the compulsory and elective parts, the educational program is organized according to a modular principle and includes five modules:

  • Module 1. Science, Technology and Engineering (36 ECTS credits)
  • Includes: disciplines and interdisciplinary courses for the study of scientific and engineering foundations corresponding to the field, objects and types of professional activity of graduates

  • Module 2. Industry (12 ECTS credits)
  • Includes practical training in obtaining professional skills and professional experience (internship). Industrial practice is carried out in the form of project work at the enterprise to consolidate knowledge and develop skills of technical and innovative impact on the relevant industry

  • Module 3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship (E&I) (6 ECTS credits)
  • Includes: Courses to explore the complete innovation cycle of product manufacturing – from identifying needs and assessing opportunities to meet them, to operating with economic and other effects, as well as gaining initial experience in innovation and acquisition relevant skills

  • Module 4. Research work and final – qualifying work (48 ECTS credits)
  • Includes research work, a research seminar and undergraduate practice with the aim of consolidating all the obtained learning outcomes: acquired knowledge, skills and experience in the field of science and engineering basics. Module 4 ends with the defense of the final qualification work, carried out in the form of a master’s thesis

  • Module 5. Options (18 ECTS credits)
  • Includes elective courses from the course catalog of the student’s choice.

    A detailed relationship between the modules and the structure of the Federal State Educational Standard, between the mandatory and elective parts is given in Table 1.

    Skoltech requirements FSES 3++ requirements
    block 1 block 2 block 3
    courses, not less 24 ECTS practical component, research, not less 45 ECTS thesis, 9 ECTS
    Modules electives compulsory part, not less 20%, 22 ECTS
    1. Science, Technology and Engineering (STE) 36 ECTS 36      
    2. Sector 12 ECTS     12  
    3. Entrepreneurship and Innovation (E&I)” 6 ECTS   6    
    4. Research & MSc Thesis Project 48 ECTS   27 12 9
    5. Options 18 ECTS 12   6  
        Total 120 ECTS 48 33 30 9
       including compulsory part     63 9
       including disciplines   81