

According to the decision of the Jury, the winners of the Call are:

in section “International Research in Moscow”

  • Victor Dotsenko (University Paris VI, France)
  • Alex Kamenev (School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota, USA)
  • Hendrik Suess (School of Mathematics, University of Manchester, UK)

in section “Domestic Research in Moscow”

  • Eugene Stepanov (St. Petersburg Branch of the Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Vladimir Stukopin (Department of Applied Mathematics, Don State Technical University)

The Jury emphasizes a very high quality of all the applications and encourages scientists to participate in future competitions. Information letters regarding funding of the projects will be sent out to the winners soon.

CALL FOR PROPOSALS for Research Projects “Interdisciplinary Research”
is organized and conducted by Skoltech jointly with the Center Poncelet

The Call aims to promote scientific ideas in the area of mathematics, information technology theoretical and mathematical physics, create environment for extending research network and develop cooperation with Russian and international universities and research centers.

The Call includes two sections:

“International Research in Moscow” and “Domestic Research in Moscow”

  • In the framework of the program “International Research in Moscow” 3 highly qualified researchers from international universities and research centers are invited for a period up to 1 month.
  • In the framework of the program “Domestic Research in Moscow” 2 highly qualified researchers (junior and senior) from Russia (out of Moscow) are invited for a period from 6 months up to 1 year.

The winners of the Call will be supported with internationally competitive funding.


“International Research in Moscow” – for citizens of any country, being employed as academic staff in any research or educational institution outside the Russian Federation, engaging in research activities and majoring in physics, mathematics and information technology.

“Domestic Research in Moscow” – for citizens of the Russian Federation, being employed as academic staff in any research or educational institution in the Russian Federation, registered outside Moscow, engaging in research activities and majoring in physics, mathematics and information technology.


  • statistical physics and “soft matter”;
  • conformal field theory and integrable systems;
  • string theory;
  • complex systems science (networks, diagrams and their applications);
  • topology, algebraic geometry and geometric group theory;
  • information technology and bio-informatics;
  • dynamical systems and probability theory;
  • combinatorics and representation theory;
  • arithmetic geometry and number theory;
  • logics, category theory and complexity.


V. Kazakov / Ecole Normale Superieure (France)
I.M. Krichever / Skoltech (Russia), Institute for Information Transmission Problems (Russia), Columbia University (USA)
J.M. Maillet / Ecole Normale Superieure, Lyon (France)
V. Rivasseau / LPT, Orsay (France)
S. Nechaev / Center Poncelet (Russia-France)
A.N. Sobolevski / Institute for Information Transmission Problems (Russia)
L. Zdeborova / IPhT, CEA/CNRS (France)
M. Kontsevich / IHES (France)
S.K. Lando / Skoltech (Russia), IUM (Russia), Higher School of Economics (Russia)
M. Tsfasman / Univ. Versailles (France)
J.Mairesse / LIP6, CNRS/UPMC (France)


The Application is executed in English and includes the following documents:

  1. Brief description (Project title, summary, contact information, up to 1 page).
  2. The plan of stay in Moscow: for the section “International Research in Moscow” – up to 2 pages, including references, for the section “Domestic Research in Moscow” – up to 5 pages, including references.
  3. The plan of research should include the following sections:
    a) conducted research on the specified topic of the Project (merit),
    b) plan of research activities in Moscow,
    c) expected research partners in Moscow,
    d) teaching plans (lectures, seminars).
  4. Brief CV (curriculum vitae), including a list of available grants and participation in scientific conferences during past 5 years.
  5. List of publications.

The Application is submitted as a PDF file to the email address:

program “International Research in Moscow”
program “Domestic Research in Moscow”

Date and time of the start of submitting applications: June 1, 2017.
Deadline for submitting applications: September 1, 2017.

Please note that the deadline for submitting applications was extended.
The deadline: September 18, 2017.

The results of the Call will be announced before October 12, 2017.


Interdisciplinary Scientific Center J.-V. Poncelet is founded in January 2017 jointly by CNRS (France), and Research Centers of the Russian Federation: Skoltech, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institute RAS, and Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS
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