
10 – 24 мая 2017г. / Dennis Gaitsgory / Harward Univ., Dep. of Mathematics / [ Website ]

Dennis Gaitsgory is a professor of mathematics at Harvard University known for his research on the geometric Langlands program. His work in geometric Langlands culminated in a joint 2002 paper with Edward Frenkel and Kari Vilonen, On the geometric Langlands conjecture establishing the conjecture for finite fields, and a separate 2004 paper, On a vanishing conjecture appearing in the geometric Langlands correspondence, generalizing the proof to include the field of complex numbers as well.

Лекции :
“Квантовое геометрическое соответствие Леглендса: скрученные пучки Уиттекера в сравнении с квантовыми группами”,
“О работе Лафорга о соответствии “Автоморфность ==> Галуа” в геометрической теории соответствия Леглендса над функциональными полями”

21 мая – 9 июня 2017г. / Andrei Negut / MIT, Dep. of Mathematics / [ Website ] /
Assistant Professor of Mathematics / Algebraic Geometry, Representation Theory

Andrei Negut’s overall program concentrates on problems in geometric representation theory, an area that overlaps studies in algebraic geometry and representation theory. His results connect to areas in mathematical physics, symplectic geometry, combinatorics and probability theory. His current research focuses on moduli of sheaves, quiver varieties, quantum algebras and knot invariants.
Negut received the PhD from Columbia University in 2015, studying under Andrei Okounkov. He completed the Master’s in mathematics from Harvard in 2012, and the B.A. from Princeton in 2009

Семинар :
W-алгебры для поверхностей

Enrico Arbarello / Univ. of Rome “La Sapienza”, Dep. of Mathematics / [ Website ]

Enrico Arbarello is an Italian mathematician who is a leading expert in algebraic geometry.
He earned a Ph.D. at Columbia University in New York in 1973. He was a visiting scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study from 1993-94. He is now a Mathematics Professor at the University “La Sapienza” in Rome.
Research Interests: Algebraic curves and their moduli, geometry and topology of moduli spaces. Geometrical aspects of the theory of non-linear differential equations of KdV type. Moduli of curves and sheaves on K3 surfaces.

Лекции :
“Гиперплоские сечения K3 поверхностей”,
“Кривые ДюВаля”

December 3 – 24, 2018 / Anton Dzhamay / University of Northern Colorado, School of Mathematical Sciences / [ Website ]
Professor / Algebro-geometric methods in the theory of integrable systems and soliton equations, non-linear differential and partial differential equations, algebraic geometry, mathematical physics
Seminar :

October 17 – 25, 2018 / Alexander Shapiro / University of Edinburgh, School of Mathematics / [ Website ] /
Quantum groups, representation theory, integrable systems

Seminar :
“Towards modular functor from higher Teichmüller theory”

October 10 – 28, 2018 / Mikhail Khovanov / Columbia University, Mathematics Department / [ Website ]
Professor of Mathematics / Knot Theory, Algebraic Topology

Mikhail Khovanov is a Russian-American professor of mathematics at Columbia University. He graduated from Moscow State School 57 mathematical class in 1988. He earned a PhD in mathematics from Yale University in 1997, where he studied under Igor Frenkel. His interests include knot theory and algebraic topology. He is known for the Khovanov homology for links, introduced in his paper “A categorification of the Jones polynomial”, which he published while at UC Davis. This was one of the first examples of categorification and is quoted in knot theory (WikipediA)

Series of lectures :
“Introduction to categorification”

October 4 – November 2, 2018 / Paul Wiegmann / University of Chicago, Department of Physics / [ Website ]
Professor / Theoretical Physics, Condensed Matter Physics

Paul B. Wiegmann is a Russian physicist. He is the Robert W. Reneker Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Chicago, James Franck Institute and Enrico Fermi Institute. He specializes in theoretical condensed matter physics. He made pioneering contributions to the field of quantum integrable systems. He found exact solutions of O(3) Non-linear Sigma Model, (Wiegmann 1985), Wess–Zumino–Witten model (together with Alexander Polyakov), Anderson impurity model and Kondo model. (WikipediA)

Series of lectures :
“Geometric aspects of quantum Hall effect and quantum hydrodynamics”

September 23 – 26, 2018 / Serguei Barannikov / Paris Diderot University, Institut de Mathématiques / [ Website ] /
Skills and expertise: Mirror symmetry, moduli spaces, noncommutative Hodge theory

Seminar :
“Summation over generalized ribbon Feynman diagrams and all genus Gromov-Witten invariants”

July 27 – 30, 2018 / Yuval Peres / Microsoft research / [ Website ] /
Principal researcher / Selected Research: Rotor-router model, Gaussian analytic functions, stable marriage of Poisson & Lebesgue, random walks

Talks :
“Gravitational allocation to uniform points on the sphere”,
“Rigidity and tolerance for perturbed lattices”

May, 2018 /

April, 2018 /

March, 2018 /

Febuary, 2018 /

January 7-14, 2018 / Sergei Kuksin / Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Paris /
Directeur de la recherche / Infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems, KAM-theory, randomly perturbed partial differential equations and statistical hydrodynamics, turbulence in nonlinear PDEs, elliptic equations for maps valued in compact manifolds

Sergei Kuksin is a Russian mathematician, specializing in partial differential equations.
His research deals with KAM theory in partial differential equations (i.e. infinite dimensional Hamiltonian systems); partial differential equations involved with random perturbations, turbulence and statistical hydrodynamics; and elliptic PDEs for functions between compact manifolds. In 1992 he was an invited speaker with talk KAM theory for partial differential equations at the European Congress of European Mathematicians in Paris. In 1998 he was an invited speaker at International Congress of Mathematicians in Berlin. In 2016 he received the Lyapunov Prize from the Russian Academy of Sciences. (WikipediA)

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