
Seventh Winter School-Conference
“String Theory, Integrable Models and Representation Theory”
January 17-22, 2022 / Skoltech + Zoom


  • Skoltech, Center for Advanced Studies
  • HSE – Skoltech International Laboratory of Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics

Organizing and Program Committee

  • Mikhail Bershtein (Landau Inst., Skoltech, HSE Univ.)
  • Pavlo Gavrylenko (Skoltech, HSE Univ.)
  • Alexei Litvinov (Landau Inst., Skoltech)
  • Andrei Marshakov (Skoltech, HSE Univ., ITEP, Lebedev Inst.)
  • Mykola Semenyakin (Skoltech, HSE Univ.)
  • Ivan Sechin (Skoltech, Steklov Inst., ITEP)
  • Boris Feigin (HSE Univ., Landau Inst.)


  • Alexander Belavin (Landau Inst., MIPT, Kharkevich Inst.), Sergei Parkhomenko (Landau Inst., MIPT)
    = = Superstring theory, ccompactification, and N=2 superconformal field theory
  • Maxim Kazarian (Skoltech, Univ. HSE)
    = = Hurwitz numbers and integrability
  • Vitaly Tarasov (Steklov Inst. St.Petersburg, IUPUI)
    = = Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations, dynamical equations, (gl_k,gl_n) duality, and Bethe anzatz


Please find more details in Russian in this link