Sixth Winter School-Conference
“String Theory, Integrable Models and Representation Theory”
January 11-16, 2021 / Zoom
- Skoltech, Center for Advanced Studies
- HSE – Skoltech International Laboratory of Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics
Organizing and Program Committee
- Mikhail Bershtein (Landau Inst., Skoltech, HSE Univ.)
- Pavlo Gavrylenko (Skoltech, HSE Univ.)
- Alexei Litvinov (Landau Inst., Skoltech)
- Andrei Marshakov (Skoltech, HSE Univ., ITEP, Lebedev Inst.)
- Mykola Semenyakin (Skoltech, HSE Univ.)
- Ivan Sechin (Skoltech, Steklov Inst., ITEP)
- Boris Feigin (HSE Univ., Landau Inst.)
- Dmitry Abanin (Univ. of Geneva)
= = Quantum Entanglement in Many-body Systems
- Andrey Smirnov (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
= = Quiver Varieties in Mathematical Physics
- Alexei Rosly (Skoltech, HSE Univ., IITP)
= = Hitchin Systems
Please find more details in Russian in this link