arXiv Spring 2024

Working seminar on Mathematical Physics
on Wednesdays at 16.20 at aud. 110 of the Faculty of Mathematics

May 22, 2024
Yunfeng Jiang
(School of Physics and Shing-Tung Yau Center Southeast Univ.)
Integrability in quasi-one-dimensional quantum magnet

Quantum integrable systems are exactly solvable many-body systems which exhibit rich and beautiful mathematical structures. For a while they were considered to be toy models which are only of interest for mathematical physics. In recent years, however, quantum integrable systems emerge from a plethora of experiments ranging from cold atom experiments, quantum material and superconducting quantum circuits. In this talk, we report recent results on quantum integrability in a quasi-one-dimensional quantum magnet CoNb2O6. Its low energy spin dynamics can be described by a quantum Ising ladder composed of two weakly coupled critical transverse field Ising chains. In the continuum limit, the Ising ladder is described by a massive integrable quantum field theory whose scattering matrix and spectrum are characterized by the $D_8^{(1)}$ Lie algebra. We will discuss this model and its emergent integrability. In particular, we compute dynamical structure factors analytically using form factor bootstrap approach and compare the result with numerical calculations and experiments

May 15, 2024
Fedor Popov
(New York Univ.)
Non-perturbative defects in tensor models from melonic trees

The Klebanov-Tarnopolsky tensor model is a quantum field theory for rank-three tensor scalar fields with certain quartic potential. The theory possesses an unusual large N limit known as the melonic limit that is strongly coupled yet solvable, producing at large distance a rare example of non-perturbative non-supersymmetric conformal field theory that admits analytic solutions. We study the dynamics of defects in the tensor model defined by localized magnetic field couplings on a p-dimensional subspace in the d-dimensional spacetime. While we work with general p and d, the physically interesting cases include line defects in d = 2, 3 and surface defects in d = 3. By identifying a novel large N limit that generalizes the melonic limit in the presence of defects, we prove that the defect one-point function of the scalar field only receives contributions from a subset of the Feynman diagrams in the shape of melonic trees. These diagrams can be resumed using a closed Schwinger-Dyson equation which enables us to determine non-perturbatively this defect one-point function. At large distance, the solutions we find describe nontrivial conformal defects and we discuss their defect renormalization group (RG) flows. In particular, for line defects, we solve the exact RG flow between the trivial and the conformal lines in d = 4 − ϵ. We also compute the exact line defect entropy and verify the g-theorem. Furthermore we analyze the defect two-point function of the scalar field and its decomposition via the operator-product-expansion, providing explicit formulae for one-point functions of bilinear operators and the stress-energy tensor

April 24, 2024
Alexander Savchenko
(Skoltech, HSE Univ.)
Linearity of actions and bilinear relations for multicomponent fermionic operators

We start with an intro to fermionic operators and their correspondent vacuum states – the ‘Dirac Sea’. Using their algebraic (anticommuting) relations, we prove a linearity of an algebraic and group-like adjoint actions – going through simple cases to more general.
As a result, we get concrete expressions of adjoint actions in the multi-component case. For example, showing that for a row and column consisting of fermions, the actions turn out to be an opposite of each other.
This fact induces the bilinear relation for fermionic operators, satisfied by group-like elements made up from fermions, which completes the report

April 17, 2024
Daniil Lopatin
(Skoltech, MIPT)
Local quench within the Keldysh technique

March 27, 2024
Anton Il’yn
(Lebedev Inst., HSE Univ.), Alexey Kopyev (Lebedev Inst.)
Fundamentals of the K41 theory

April 10, 2024
Gleb Ananiev
(HSE Univ.)
Three-dimensional gravity

March 20, 2024
Artem Sidorenko
(HSE Univ.)
Rod structure of some solutions of Einstein’s equations in vacuum

March 13, 2024
Leonid Cherepanov
(HSE Univ.)
Ruijsenaars system, Macdonald operators and limiting procedures (2/2)

March 6, 2024
Alexander Belavin
(Landau Inst.)
Conformal bootstrap and Heterotic string Gepner models

Heterotic string Gepner models in 4-dimensions are hybrid theories of a left-moving Superstring whose additional 6-dimensions are compactified on $M_{\vec k}$, which is the product of the $N=2$-minimal models with the complete central charge $9$, and a right-moving Bosonic string, whose additional 6 dimensions are also compactified on the product $N=2$ SCFT $M^R_k$, and the remaining 13 dimensions of which form the torus of $E(8)xSO(10)$.
Such heterotic models have $N=1$ space-time symmetry arising in its left-moving part and $E(6)$ gauge symmetry arising in its right-moving part. These symmetries are necessary for phenomenological reasons and to obtain Grand Unified Theories (GUTs).
In Gepner’s work, the requirement that leads to a model having the desired Spacetime symmetry and Gauge symmetry was the requirement that Spacetime symmetry be compatible with Modular invariance.
We will show that the requirement of Mutual locality of the left-moving vertices of physical states with SUSY currents and the right-moving vertices with currents of $E(6)$-gauge symmetry, together with the requirement of mutual locality of complete (i.e.left-right) vertices of physical states among themselves leads to the same Gepner model

February 28, 2024
Leonid Cherepanov
(HSE Univ.)
Ruijsenaars system, Macdonald operators and limiting procedures (1/2)

February 21, 2024
Anton Rarovskii
(Skoltech, HSE Univ.)
Frobenius structures and orbifold equivalence for quasihomogeneous singularities (2/2)

February 14, 2024
Anton Rarovskii
(Skoltech, HSE Univ.)
Frobenius structures and orbifold equivalence for quasihomogeneous singularities (1/2)

February 7, 2024
Nikita Belousov
(Steklov Inst., St.Petersburg)
Quantum Toda-Calogero-Ruijsenaars systems

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