arXiv Spring 24

Center for Advanced Studies Seminar on Mondays
at 17.00 at Skoltech

June 3, 2024
Konstantin Khanin
(Univ. of Toronto)
On KPZ universality and statistics of stochastic flows

We will start by introducing the phenomenon of the KPZ (Kardar-Parisi-Zhang) universalty. KPZ problem was a very active research area in the last 20 years. The field of KPZ is essentially interdisciplinary. It is related to such areas as probability theory, statistical mechanics, mathematical physics, PDE, SPDE, random dynamics, random matrices, and random geometry, to name a few. In most general form the problem can be formulated in the following way. Consider random geometry on the two-dimensional plane. The main aim is to understand the asymptotic statistical properties of the length of the geodesic connecting two points, which are far away from each other, in the limit as distance between the endpoints tends to zero. One also wants to study the geometry of random geodesics, in particular how much they deviate from a straight line. It turn out that the limiting statistics for both the length and the deviation is universal, that is it does not depend on the details of the random geometry. Moreover, many limiting probability distributions can be found explicitly.
In the second part of the talk we will proceed with discussion of the geometrical approach to the problem of the KPZ universality which provides an even broader point of view on the problem of universal statistical behavior

May 27, 2024
Andrey Gelash
(École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)
Bi-solitons on the surface of a deep fluid: an inverse scattering transform approach

I will present results of our recent paper [A. Gelash et al, Bi-solitons on the surface of a deep fluid: an inverse scattering transform perspective based on perturbation theory. Phys. Rev. Lett., 2024], where we investigate theoretically and numerically the dynamics of long-living oscillating coherent structures – bi-solitons – in the exact and approximate models for waves on the free surface of deep water. To elucidate the long-living bi-soliton complex nature we apply an analytical-numerical approach based on the perturbation theory and the inverse scattering transform (IST) for the one-dimensional focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation model. We observe a periodic energy and momentum exchange between solitons and continuous spectrum radiation resulting in repetitive oscillations of the coherent structure. We find that soliton eigenvalues oscillate on stable trajectories experiencing a slight drift on a scale of hundreds of the structure oscillation periods so that the eigenvalue dynamics is in good agreement with predictions of the IST perturbation theory. Based on the obtained results, we conclude that the IST perturbation theory justifies the existence of the long-living bi-solitons on the surface of deep water which emerge as a result of a balance between their dominant solitonic part and a portion of continuous spectrum radiation. Finally, I will talk about open questions in theoretical studies of coherent structures on the free surface of deep water and also give a brief overview of my other research directions

May 20, 2024
Michael Shapiro
(Michigan State Univ.)
Symplectic groupoid and Teichmueller spaces of closed surfaces of g=2

May 13, 2024 / Zoom
Konstantin Aleshkin

Wall crossing of GLSM partition functions

Hemisphere and sphere partition functions of 2d N=2 GLSM can be exactly computed by supersymmetric localization in terms of Mellin-Barnes-type integrals. In certain cases it is known how to evaluate these integrals by residues (as a sum of vortices). I will explain how this computation can be done in general. Partition functions in different phases of GLSM are related by explicit wall crossing formulas

May 6, 2024
Boris Feigin
(Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem, HSE Univ.)
BLZ oper

April 22, 2024
Alexander Alexandrov
(Inst. for Basic Science, Pohang)
KP integrability through the x-y swap relation

I will discuss a universal relation sometimes called the $x-y$ swap relation, which plays a prominent role in the theory of topological recursion. In particular, the $x-y$ swap relation is very natural for the KP integrability and can be described by certain integral transforms. As an application, I prove a recent conjecture that relates some particular instances of topological recursion to the Mironov-Morozov-Semenoff matrix integrals and derive explicit formulas for the multipoint functions in some enumerative geometry problems. This talk is based on a joint work with Boris Bychkov, Petr Dunin-Barkowski, Maxim Kazarian, and Sergey Shadrin

April 15, 2024
Kantemir Atalikov
(Kurchatov Inst.)
Integrable Landau-Lifshitz equations and field-theoretical generalizations of many-body systems

We will describe construction of the Landau-Lifshitz equation of higher rank. Namely, we will show how the U-V pair satisfying the Zakharov-Shabat equation arises from a solution of the associative Yang-Baxter equation. This will be used for derivation of equations of motion. In some particular case the Hamiltonian formulation will be given as well. Next, the 1+1 field generalization of the Calogero-Moser model will be reviewed. We will explain that this model is gauge equivalent to some particular Landau-Lifshitz model

April 8, 2024
Sergey Gorchinskiy
(Steklov Inst.)
Polar homology

April 1, 2024
Ruotao Yang
On the Gaiotto conjecture

The Gaiotto conjecture aims to realize the category of representations of a basic classical quantum supergroup as a certain twisted D-module category on the affine Grassmannian, it is the quantum generalization of a class of examples of a conjecture of Ben-Zvi-Sakellaridis-Venkatesh in the relative Langlands program (i.e., local conjecture of the relative Langlands program). In this talk, we will introduce the Ben-Zvi-Sakellaridis-Venkatesh conjecture, precisely formulate the Gaiotto conjecture and recent results. We will mainly focus on the cases of GL(M|N) and F(4). This talk is based on joint works with Michael Finkelberg and Roman Travkin, and former works of Alexander Braverman, Victor Ginzburg, Michael Finkelberg, Roman Travkin, etc

March 25, 2024
Christopher Brav
(Centre of Pure Mathematics, MIPT)
Solid modules in algebraic geometry

Various questions in algebraic geometry— the theory of formal schemes, the constructions of rings of adeles, the study of infinite dimensional moduli spaces, the formulation of the Krichever correspondence in the study of commuting differential operators — require working with topological modules. Topological modules however are unsuitable for the purposes of homological algebra, since kernels and cokernels do not behave as expected. We give an elementary introduction to the category of “solid modules” in the sense of Clausen-Scholze, a nice abelian category that in particular adds appropriate cokernels for continuous maps of topological modules, and explain refined locality and functoriality phenomena for solid modules. If time permits, we explain a new geometric construction of the Beilinson-Parshin adelic decompositions of vector bundles, more generally of complexes of quasi-coherent sheaves. The latter is joint work with G. Konovalov

March 18, 2024
Alexey Litvinov
(Skoltech, Landau Inst.)
Yang-Baxter deformations of sigma models and integrable systems in conformal field theory

I will talk about an interesting class of two-dimensional field theories – YB-deformed sigma models on symmetric spaces. These theories are interesting from different points of view. Firstly, they admit a zero curvature representation, i.e. integrable. Secondly, they are renormalizable at one loop order (and asymptotically free), and therefore provide new analytical solutions to the Ricci flow equation. Thirdly, presumably they are integrable at the quantum level. Within the framework of conformal perturbation theory, the last statement should lead to some specific integrable system in conformal field theory, which have been actively studied recently

March 11, 2024
Vsevolod Gubarev
(Novosibirsk Univ., Sobolev Inst. of Mathematics)
Rota-Baxter operators and different versions of Yang-Baxter equation

March 4, 2024
Sergei Kuksin
(Univ. Paris Cit ́e and Sorbonne Univ., RUDN Univ., Steklov Inst.)
The Kolmogorov theory K41 and turbulence in 1d Burgers equation

I will start with explaining the main laws of the Kolmogorov theory of turbulence, known as the K41 theory, and then will show that all of them may be rigorously justified for fictitious 1d fluid, described by the stochastic 1d Burgers equation

February 26, 2024
Kirill Polovnikov
(Skoltech Center for AI Tech.)
Hamiltonian of fractal Gaussian polymer states

Molecules consisting of sequentially connected beads without any additional interactions between the beads are known as ideal polymer chains in polymer physics. Long ideal chains can be renormalized such that the joint statistics of the beads coordinates is Gaussian and the fractal dimension equals to $df=2$, independently of the space dimension $D$. Inspired by experimental data on chromosome folding, in my talk I will pose the following question: how to introduce additional interactions between the beads of an ideal polymer such that the fractal dimension is different, say, $df=3$? I will propose the quadratic Hamiltonian with a tunable memory exponent that can generate Gaussian polymer conformations with an arbitrary fractal dimension between $df=2$ and $df=\inf$ for any $D$.
Based on the works: K.P., H. Brandao, S. Belan, M. Imakaev, L. Mirny. Physical Review X (2023); K.P., S. Nechaev, M. Tamm. Soft Matter (2018)

February 19, 2024
Anton Shchechkin
(INFN & SISSA, Trieste)
Blowup relations on irregular conformal blocks as quantum Painleve equations

In my talk I would like to discuss a connection between three objects – quantum Painleve equations, irregular conformal blocks and blowup relations on the corresponding partition functions of supersymmetric gauge theories.
In the first part of the talk I will speak about the quantum Painleve VI equation as a blowup relation on C^2/Z_2. This equation could be degenerated to quantum Painleve V, IV, III, II, I. Solutions of these equations are given by partition functions of supersymmetric gauge theories, e.g. Argyres-Douglas theory.
In the second part of the talk we will discuss the representation-theoretic construction of the Virasoro algebra conformal blocks that correspond to the above partition functions. Joint work with Giulio Bonelli, Alessandro Tanzini

February 12, 2024
Anton Dzhamay
(BIMSA, Univ. of Northern Colorado)
Geometry of discrete integrable systems: QRT maps and discrete Painlevé

Many interesting examples of discrete integrable systems can be studied from the geometric point of view. In this talk we will consider two classes of examples of such system: autonomous (QRT maps) and non-autonomous (discrete Painlevé equations). We introduce some geometric tools to study these systems, such as the blowup procedure to construct algebraic surfaces on which the mappings are regularized, linearization of the mapping on the Picard lattice of the surface and, for discrete Painlevé equations, the decomposition of the Picard lattice into complementary pairs of the surface and symmetry sub-lattices and construction of a birational representation of affine Weyl symmetry groups that gives a complete algebraic description of our non-linear dynamic.
This talk is based on joint work with Stefan Carstea (Bucharest) and Tomoyuki Takenawa (Tokyo)

February 5, 2024
Nikita Belousov
(Steklov Inst., St.Petersburg)
Quantum hyperbolic Ruijsenaars system

Seminar dedicated to 75-th birthday of Professor Grigori Olshanski
January 29, 2024
Grigori Olshanskii
(Skoltech, Kharkevich Inst., HSE Univ.)
Infinite-dimensional groups over finite fields: results and problems

I will explain what these groups are, why they are interesting, what is known about them (not very much) and what open problems arise (quite a lot)

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