arXiv Fall2016

Center for Advanced Studies Seminar on Mondays
at 14.30 at Skoltech

December 12, 2016
Eugene Gorsky

Flag Hilbert schemes and homology of knots

December 5, 2016
Mark Mineev

Stochastic Laplacian growth and statistical mechanics

We developed a theory of 2D stochastic Laplacian growth (LG), where K diffusing particles, emitted constantly from a source at infinity, stick to a growing cluster. This theory serves as a bridge between the universal diffusion-limited growth, where K=1 (the quantum limit) and the integrable LG, where K goes to infinity (the classical limit). Growth probability is presented as a sum over all possible scenarios leading to the same final shape. The classical point for the action, defined as a minus logarithm of the growth probability, reproduces the integrable LG equation, fundamental for non-equilibrium physics. For non-classical scenarios we demonstrate that the growth entropy equals to a sum of electrostatic energies of elementary layers, constituting the growing domain. Thus non-equilibrium LG obeys the equilibrium Gibbs-Boltzmann statistics. Next I will address connections of this theory with the tau-function of 2D Toda hierarchy and the Liouville theory for non-critical quantum strings. Finally (if time permits) I will present statistical mechanics of stochastic LG using its remarkable connection with random matrices and the Einstein thermodynamics fluctuation theory, where LG equation describes adiabatic thermodynamic process for the Dyson gas. Transitional probabilities between thermodynamics states are shown to coincide with the free particle propagator on the infinitely dimensional complex manifold with the Kahler metric

November 28, 2016
Alexander Braverman

Symplectic duality and three-dimensional supersymmetric field theory

November 14, 2016
Anton Zabrodin

Quantum spin chains and classical integrable systems

October 24, 2016
Maxim Kazarian

Mirzakhani’s proof of Witten’s conjecture

October 10, 2016
Sergey Lando

An algebro-geometric proof of Witten’s conjecture

October 3, 2016
Grigori Olshanski

Infinite-dimensional characters and applications, II

September 19, 2016
Grigori Olshanski

Infinite-dimensional characters and applications, I

September 12, 2016
Igor Krichever

Riemann problem for degenerating families of curves

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