arXiv Fall2023

Center for Advanced Studies Seminar on Mondays
at 17.00 at Skoltech

December 25, 2023
Mikhail Bershtein

Chiralization of cluster varieties

The chiralization in the title denotes certain procedure which turns cluster X-varieties into q-W algebras. Many important notions from cluster and q-W worlds, such as mutations, global functions, screening operators, R-matrices, etc emerge naturally in this context. In particular, we discover new bosonizations of q-W algebras and establish connections between previously known bosonizations. If time permits, I will discuss potential applications of our approach to the study of 3d topological theories and local systems with affine gauge group. This talk is based on joint project with J. Shiraishi, J.E. Bourgine, B. Feigin, A. Shapiro, and G. Schrader

December 18, 2023 / zoom
Yu Li
(Univ. of Toronto)
Integrable systems on the dual of nilpotent Lie subalgebras and T-Poisson cluster structures

Let $\mathfrak g$ be a semisimple Lie algebra and $\mathfrak g = \mathfrak n \oplus \mathfrak h \oplus \mathfrak n_-$ a triangular decomposition. Motivated by a construction of Kostant-Lipsman-Wolf, we construct an integrable system on the dual space of $\mathfrak n_-$ equipped with the Kirillov-Kostant Poisson structure. The Bott-Samelson coordinates on the open Bruhat cell (equipped with the standard Poisson structure) makes it into a symmetric Poisson CGL extension, hence giving rise to a $T$-Poisson cluster structure on it. Our integrable system is obtained from the initial cluster by taking the lowest degree terms of the initial cluster variables. We conjecture that mutation of clusters gives rise to mutation of integrable systems. This is joint work in progress with Yanpeng Li and Jiang-Hua Lu

December 11, 2023
Andrei Marshakov
(Skoltech, HSE Univ., Lebedev Inst.)
Clusters, duality and reductions

I plan to discuss some applications of the Poisson cluster varieties, and certain aspects of formulation of the cluster integrable systems. They include the Goncharov-Kenyon duality, and cluster Hamiltonian reduction, which, in particular, allows to complete the list of cluster/Painleve/gauge correspondence. Based on joint work with M.Bershtein, P.Gavrylenko and M.Semenyakin, dedicated to the memory of Igor Krichever

December 4, 2023
Michel Semenov-Tian-Shansky
(Univ. of Burgundy, Steklov Inst., St.Petersburg)
Poisson-Lie groups: duality and applications

November 27, 2023
Filipp Uvarov
(HSE Univ.)
Deligne’s category, monodromy-free pseudo-differential operators, and Gaudin model associated with the super Lie algebra gl(m|n) (2/2)

November 20, 2023
Alexander Belalvin
(Landau Inst.)
Mirror symmetry and a new approach to constructing orbifolds of Gepner models

Motivated by the principles of Conformal bootstrap, primarily the principle of Locality, simultaneously with the requirement of Space-time supersymmetry, we reconsider constructions of space-time supersymmetric compactified string models. Starting from requirements of space-time supersymmetry and mutual locality, we construct a complete set of physical fields of orbifolds of Gepner models. To technically implement this, we use spectral flow generators to construct all physical fields from the chiral primary fields. The collection of these spectral flow operators forms the so-called admissible group $G_{adm}$, which defines a given orbifold. As for the selection of mutually local fields from this collection, it is carried out using the dual (mirror)group $G^*_{adm}$. The permutation of $G_{adm}$ and $G^*_{adm}$ transforms the original orbifold into a mirror one that satisfies the same conditions as the original one. The modular invariance of both models in this mirror pair is carried out automatically.
This is a joint work with Sergei Parkhomenko

November 13, 2023
Filipp Uvarov
(HSE Univ.)
Deligne’s category, monodromy-free pseudo-differential operators, and Gaudin model associated with the super Lie algebra gl(m|n) (1/2)

October 30, 2023
Anton Il’yn
(Lebedev Inst., HSE Univ.)
Geometry of isotropic stochastic flows
This is a joint work with Alexey Kopyev, Valeria Sirota, and Kirill Zybin

October 23, 2023
Aleksandr Artemev
(Skoltech, Landau Inst.)
(2,2p+1) minimal string, moduli space volumes, and classical Liouville theory

October 9, 2023 / zoom
Andrey Losev
(Univ. of Science and Technology of China, HSE Univ.)
On beta-functions in first order theories

October 2, 2023
Michael Finkelberg
(Skoltech, HSE Univ., IITP)
Cherkis-Nakajima-Takayama bow varieties

September 25, 2023
Evgeny Anikin
(Russian Quantum Center)
Entangling gate fidelities in trapped ion quantum computers: perturbative calculations

Cold trapped ions are among the most promising systems suitable for quantum computations. Trapped ions feature long coherence times, convenient qubit initialization and readout, and high entangling gate fidelities. With trapped ions, quantum circuits consisting of tens of gates have been implemented, and quantum simulations of spin chains with up to 53 qubits have been performed. However, scaling trapped ion quantum computers up to more than tens of qubits remains challenging because of considerable decrease in gate fidelities with increasing number of qubits. Identifying the scaling of different contributions to gate infidelity is an essential step towards decreasing the total error.
We use perturbation theory to find infidelity of the Molmer-Sorensen entangling gate in trapped ion chains. We find analytical expressions for infidelity which are accurate estimates of the gate error. Our method is applicable for systems containing tens of qubits, which is far beyond the limit for exact numerical simulations

September 11, 2023
Vadim Vologodsky
(HSE Univ.)
Arithmetic of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation

I will explain how to find all solutions to the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation (for sl(2)) over finite fields and how to compute its p-curvature. The main observation (that I learned from Roman Travkin in a slightly different context) is that the steepest descent method that can be used to describe asymptotics of local analytic solutions produces exact solutions modulo every integer n. Using this method I will explain how the KZ local system, when reduced modulo n and lifted to a finite cover of the configuration space splits into a direct sum of 1-dimensional local systems.
The talk is based on a joint work with Alexander Varchenko

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