Pre-CQIS Summer School

on Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

June 25-30, 2018 / Protvino


  • Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
  • Institute for High Energy Physics

Organizing committee:

  • Mikhail Bershtein (Skoltech, Landau inst., NRU HSE)
  • Pavlo Gavrylenko (Skoltech, NRU HSE)
  • Andrei Marshakov (Skoltech, NRU HSE, ITEP, Lebedev inst.)
  • Pavel Saponov (IHEP, NRU HSE)
  • Mykola Semenyakin (Skoltech, Taras Shevchenko Univ., NRU HSE)

School format – two parallel seminars:

  • First seminar – for younger students (2-4 course) – series of previously prepared talks, made by students, under supervision of mature scientists.
  • Second seminar is for master student, PhD and young researchers, concentrated on the subject of their scientific interests. Participation in the school assume serious preliminary work of the students, on the material of the school with the support of supervisors of topics

which are expected to be discussed within the school:

  • Topological solutions in the classical field theory
  • Feynman integral in the quantum mechanics
  • Conformal field theory
  • Variables separation method in integrable systems
  • Quantum groups
  • Affine quantum groups
  • 2d quantum gravity
  • Chern-Simons theory and ABJM-theory

Topics supervisors:

  • Mikhail Bershtein (Skoltech, Landau inst., NRU HSE)
  • Pavlo Gavrylenko (Skoltech, NRU HSE)
  • Sergey Khoroshkin (ITEP, NRU HSE)
  • Andrey Liashyk (BITP, NRU HSE, Skoltech)
  • Alexey Litvinov (Landau Inst., NRU HSE)
  • Vladimir Losyakov (Lebedev inst., NRU HSE)
  • Andrei Marshakov (Skoltech, NRU HSE, ITEP, Lebedev inst.)
  • Mykola Semenyakin (Skoltech, Taras Shevchenko Univ., NRU HSE)
  • Yegor Zenkevich (Univ. Milano)


  1. Alekseev Sergei
  2. Anempodistov Prokopy
  3. Astrahancev Lev
  4. Belousov Nikita
  5. Bilich Boris
  6. Burenev Ivan
  7. Vilkoviskiy Ilya
  8. Gaidarov Roman
  9. Galiullin Arslan
  10. Geiko Roman
  11. Gonin Roman
  12. Grekov Andrei
  13. Grigoriev Nikita
  14. Dotsenko Egor
  15. Dyatlik Aleksandr
  16. Zaigraev Nikita
  17. Isaenko Filipp
  18. Kolganov Nikita
  19. Kostygov Timur
  20. Kupcheva Elizaveta
  21. Kuchumov Nikolai
  22. Legenkaya Mariya
  23. Minin Mikhail
  24. Mishnyakov Viktor
  25. Motorin Ivan
  26. Pavshinkin Dmitry
  27. Perunov Ivan
  28. Piskunov Aleksei
  29. Plotnikov Dmitry
  30. Prokofev Vadim
  31. Rizvanov Emil
  32. Safonkin Nikita
  33. Sechin Ivan
  34. Sokolova Nika
  35. Solovyov Dmitrii
  36. Spiridonov Andrei
  37. Stoyan Artyom
  38. Terziev Nikolai
  39. Trunin Dmitrii
  40. Trufanov Aleksandr
  41. Sharipova Anastasiya
  42. Shchechkin Anton
  43. Ebel Nikolai


Mikhail Bershtein –
Mykola Semenyakin –

[ last update: June 12, 2018 ]