International conference “Invariance and Integrabilty, 2″

International conference “Invariance and Integrability 2 “, devoted to the 60th birthday of Andrei Marshakov, is organized by

– International Laboratory of Cluster Geometry, HSE University,
– Igor Krichever Center of Advanced Research, Skoltech, and
– HSE–Skoltech International Laboratory of Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics

on September 5-9, 2024.

The conference will be held in a mixed format: there will be in person talks as well as online talks.

The conference will cover modern trends of research performed in International Laboratory of Cluster Geometry, HSE University in the framework of the project “Combinatorial aspects of geometry of functional spaces”, as well as other topics close to scientific interests of Andrei Marshakov. In particular, these include
– topological recursion;
– combinatorics of cluster algebras;
– intersection theory and flat connections on moduli spaces;
– Lie algebras and their representations;
– quantum invariants of knots and links;
– Hurwitz numbers;
– integrability

conference site