Москва, 15-26 июня июнь 2021 г.

На фоне пандемии короновируса
2-ая Сколтеховская летняя школа по математической физике
переносится на следующее лето

Летняя школа организуется
Сколковским институтом науки и технологий

Alexander Braverman (Perimeter Inst, Univ of Toronto, Skoltech)
Andrei Okounkov (Columbia Univ, Skoltech)

The talks will be at Skoltech


Amol Aggarwal is a fifth-year graduate student in the Department of Mathematics at Harvard University. Adviser – Alexei Borodin (MIT).
Research interests:
probability theory; integrable systems; combinatorics; and dynamical systems / web-page

gaitsgory3 Dennis Gaitsgory is a professor of mathematics at Harvard University known for his research on the geometric Langlands program. Born in what is now Moldova, he grew up in Tajikistan, before studying at Tel Aviv University under Joseph Bernstein (1990–1996). He received his doctorate in 1997 for a thesis entitled “Automorphic Sheaves and Eisenstein Series”. He has been awarded a Harvard Junior Fellowship, a Clay Research Fellowship, and the prize of the European Mathematical Society for his work.
His work in geometric Langlands culminated in a joint 2002 paper with Edward Frenkel and Kari Vilonen, On the geometric Langlands conjecture establishing the conjecture for finite fields, and a separate 2004 paper, On a vanishing conjecture appearing in the geometric Langlands correspondence, generalizing the proof to include the field of complex numbers as well.
Prior to his 2005 appointment at Harvard, he was an associate professor at the University of Chicago from 2001–2005 / web-page
Andrei Okounkov is a Russian mathematician who works on representation theory and its applications to algebraic geometry, mathematical physics, probability theory and special functions. He is currently a professor at Columbia University, the academic supervisor of HSE International Laboratory of Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics, and a professor at Skoltech.
In 2006, he received the Fields Medal “for his contributions to bridging probability, representation theory and algebraic geometry.”
He received his doctorate at Moscow State University in 1995 under Alexandre Kirillov and Grigori Olshanski. He has been a professor at Columbia University since 2010. He was previously a professor at Princeton University from 2002 to 2010, an assistant and associate professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and an instructor at the University of Chicago / web-page

rozenblyum3 Nick Rozenblyum – Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago.
Research interests:
algebraic geometry and topology, particularly in algebraic geometric and homotopical structures arising from topological quantum field theory and representation theory / web-page

Senya Shlosman is a professor at Skoltech Center for Advanced Studies and a directeur de recherche at Centre de Physique Théorique, Aix-Marseille Université (emeritus). He is known for his research in rigorous statistical mechanics. Born in Moscow, he graduated from Mechmath, MSU in 1972. He studied statistical mechanics under Roland Dobrushin (1973-1975) and received his doctorate in 1977 for a thesis entitled “Two-dimensional models with continuous symmetry”. He got his habilitation in 1987 for a thesis “Correlation inequalities in random fields”. The book “Wulf construction”, written together with R. Dobrushin and R. Kotecky, was published by AMS in 1992 / web-page
