Center for Energy Systems and North East Asia supergrid

Professor Janusz Bialek, Director of Skoltech Center for Energy Systems (CES), gave a presentation at Northeast Asia Regional Power Interconnection and CooperationForum that was held on October 26-27th, 2016 in Beijing. This followed an invitation for Skoltech to join Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO), formed by China’s State Grid to promote global energy interconnection development, meet global power demand with clean and green alternatives. GEIDCO is personally supported by the China’s President Mr. Xi Jinping. Also President V. V. Putin insisted, at the Asia Academic Forum in Vladivostok in September, that creation of Asia energy ring is the most important of region integration projects. By joining GEIDCO CES will collaborate with some of the most prominent energy companies and institutions in the world.