Energy Hub project

Energy Hub is the multi-port energy system for electric vehicle charging

General Description

Energy Hub is an advanced fast electric vehicle charger with uses an inner battery to minimize the impact of the charging process in the grid. In addition, the charger uses a novel multi-port converter with a unique control algorithm which allows to control the power flow between the grid, the inner battery and the electric vehicle with all of them galvanically isolated. The project includes the developments of fully controllable 4-quadrant inverters, multi-port DC/DC converters and batteries.

The technical result consists in increasing the efficiency of the charger, ensuring a bidirectional flow of electricity and bidirectional connection of several DC sources to one device, reducing network overload, increasing safety, and also in simplifying it and increasing reliability.

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IP Protection

The Energy hub invention was patented in 2024 year.


Research outcomes

F.M. Ibanez, A. Shubnaya, F. Martin, “Control method based on real-imaginary decomposition at the switching frequency for multiple active bridge converters”, IET Power Electronics, Published

Anna Shubnaya, Mikhail Koksharov, Fernando Martin Porres, Ainhoa Galarza Rodriguez, Federico Martin Ibanez “Minimizing Conduction Losses in Multiple Active Bridge Converters Across Wide Voltage Ranges Using Advanced Dual-Duty Modulation”, IET Power Electronics, Published

Mikhail А. Koksharov, A. Pérez Mayo, J. M. Echeverría, “Methodology for designing a multi-winding transformer in multiport converters”, EICon IEEE Conference, January 2025, Saint Petersburg


Energy Hub is developing in the Smart grid Laboratory of the Center for Energy Science and Technology  (SKOLTECH).


Project Management

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Project Investigator

Prof. Federico Ibanez

Project Manager

Alexander Agapov