Dina Mazitova (Fazlizhanova)

PhD thesis: “Stability and interaction of point defects in Ruddlesden-Popper oxides at realistic temperatures, pressures, and electronic chemical potentials”
Supervisor: Prof. Sergey V. Levchenko
IDC committee members: Prof. Sergey V. Levchenko, Prof. Keith Stevenson, Prof. Andriy Zhugayevych
Dina graduated from the physics faculty of the Moscow State University (MSU) with honors in 2016. Her BSc diploma work was dedicated to the ab-initio calculations of electric field gradients (EFG) in gallium-based intermetallic compounds. In 2018, Dina graduated from MSU and Skoltech. She studied inhomogeneous superconductivity in Skoltech. Her research in MSU was devoted to the ab-initio methods for EFG calculations. Dina’s current research interest is ab-initio studying of stability and interaction of point defects in Ruddlesden-Popper oxides.
- Likhanov, M. S., Khalaniya, R. A., Verchenko, V. Y., Gippius, A. A., Zhurenko, S. V., Tkachev, Fazlizhanova D.I., Kuznetsov A.N., Shevelkov, A. V. (2019). ReGaGe 2: an intermetallic compound with semiconducting properties and localized bonding. Chemical Communications, 55(41), 5821-5824.
- Likhanov, M. S., Zhupanov, V. O., Verchenko, V. Y., Gippius, A. A., Zhurenko, S. V., Tkachev, A. V., Fazlizhanova D.I., Berthebau D., Shevelkov, A. V. (2019). Synthesis, extended and local crystal structure, and thermoelectric properties of Fe1-xRexGa3 solid solution. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 804, 331-338.
- Mikhailov E.A., Fazlizhanova D.I. Carrying out research works devoted to computer simulation of the operation of a cryogenic pump in the collection of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Physical, Mathematical and Technological Education: Problems and Development Prospects”. Collection of articles, p. 187-194
- Zhurenko Sergei V., Tkachev Alexey V., Gervits Natalia E., Gunbin Anton V., Fazlizhanova Dina I., Chia Nung Kuo, Chin Shan Lue, Gippius Andrei A.
Investigation of intermetallic thermoelectric compound RuGa3 by NQR spectroscopy
17-th International School-Conference Spinus 2020 Magnetic resonance and its applications, St. Petersburg, Russia, March 29 – April 3, 20
- Fazlizhanova D.I., Likhanov M.S., Zhurenko S.V. Crystal and electronic structure of RuGa3: ab-initio calculations. International scientific conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists “Lomonosov-2018″, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Russia, April 10-11, 2018
- Mikhailov E.A., Fazlizhanova D.I .Carrying out research works devoted to computer simulation of the operation of a cryogenic pump. III International Scientific and Methodological Conference “Physical, Mathematical and Technological Education: Problems and Development Prospects”, Moscow, Russia, March 1-3, 2017