In CDMM we conduct research, education and innovation in the area of application of the new structural concepts, manufacturing technologies and certification approaches into engineering and development of advanced performance structures. Our goal is to provide technical expertise and specialists for Russia’s needs for application of the new advanced structures and certification.
Research Areas: solid mechanics, R&D of the high performance structures, process modeling, certification, nondestructive testing , substantiation of reliability
Industries: aerospace, railway, construction, infrastructure, energy industry, oil & gas, automotive industry
Development of a computer system for predictive analysis of additive manufacturing of ceramic products based on physical and mathematical modeling of technological processes in cooperation with the technical University of Munich
Open source:
Title of Project – “The novel manufacturing approach to the production of highly efficient lead-free textured piezo-ceramic materials using additive manufacturing technologies” Project leader – Shishkovsky I.V.
Open source:
The development of new fundamental knowledge on the wave impact sprays, i.e. droplets generated by waves that collide with offshore structures and vessels and contribute to ice accretion.
The development of a new engineering model that can describe the wave spray and its contribution to the ice deposition due to the interaction between a wave and a structure.
Open source:
Experimental verification of a software product that allows modeling complex physical processes of laser additive technologies to improve the functional properties of parts obtained using laser additive technologies, which should contribute to their wider implementation into the industry and the production of high-quality products
3D printing of prototypes of pellets of a protective layer material with various channels. Research of physical and mechanical characteristics of prototypes of pellets of a protective layer material and industrial samples-analogs.
Project term: 2018-2020
The formation of promising markets for new PCM products related to civil engineering and infrastructure applications and technologies is impossible without providing developers and manufacturers with the certification tools of recognized by the competent authorities.
Existing approaches to the certification of PCM products are mostly based on costly full-scale tests where only unique copies of the product prototype are subjected to the tests. Due to structural heterogeneity of PCM, technological defects, random service damage and environmental effects the properties of the tested copies can differ from the actual properties of mass serial products under real service conditions.
Virtual tests of PCM products provide implementation of the actual scatter of the material properties and variations of real service conditions into the validated digital model. This approach allows obtaining more reliable assessment of the properties of the product fleet. Performing of the similar amount of full-scale tests of products is not possible even theoretically. The shift of emphasis towards virtual tests is a worldwide trend.
In the Project, the virtual testbeds will be created, including (1) software for generating of fleet of the product digital models with varying material properties and service conditions, (2) finite-element software, and (3) software for processing and analyzing of results of the calculations.
This approach reduces the amount of the full-scale tests of products up to the minimum reasonable amount needed only for the validation of the basic digital model of the product. Thus, the amount of the full-scale certification tests could be reliably reduced by 2-3 times. This ensures a reduction about 3 times in financial and time costs for developers and manufacturers to certify their products.
The competent authorities provide expert support for the development, application and standardization of digital models and virtual testbeds for accelerated certification of PCM products.
The project team has a positive experience of a development and promotion of international regulations regarding application PCM to highly responsible structures. As example, we participate in working groups of ECOSOC Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods of the UN for development and justification of new sub-chapters of Model Regulations regarding design, manufacturing, testing and certification of Fibre-Reinforced Plastics (FRP) portable tanks.
Development of a computational-experimental method for monitoring surface defects of composite panels based on a predictive correlation model for changing surface defects of composite panels, taking into account the typical operating conditions of a commercial aircraft.
Project term: 2016-2018
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Intermediate results:
1) Designed and manufactured a prototype of the 3d printer, including the extruder and design documentation.
2) Conducted research tests of the printer prototype.
3) Fabricated test samples of composite materials using this prototype 3d printer.
4) Successfully mechanically tested obtained samples.
Principal Investigator of the Project 1.4 Vadim Stupnikov, Senior Engineer
Project term: 2014-2016
The consortium members in project «The development of an integrated system of computer-aided design and engineering for additive manufacturing of light and reliable composite structures of key high-tech industries”
1) Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University
2) Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
3) National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
4) Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (ISPMS SB RAS)
5) The National University of Science and Technology MISiS
Project Status: The project was executed
Project participants: Skoltech, Aerocomposite, KU Leuven, UDRI
Project term: 2014-2015
Project Status: The project was executed
Project participants: Skoltech, TsAGI, KU Leuven, UDRI
Project term: 2014-2015
Scope of work:
Project Status: The project was executed
Project participants: Skoltech, TsAGI
Project term: 2014-2015
Scope of work:
Project Status: The project was executed
Project participants: Skoltech, ApATeCh
Project term: 2014-2015
Scope of work:
Project Status: The project was executed
Project participants: Skoltech, UAC, UDRI, NIAR, ICCM, TU Delft, KU Leuven, MSU
Project term: 2013
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