Sergei Nikolaev
Information Technologies for
Advanced Manufacturing Lab
Center for Design, Manufacturing
and Materials, Skoltech
December 6, 2017
11.00 – 12.00
Room 402
Nowadays trend in product development is to implement PLM approach. Using numerical models at all stages of the product lifecycle to evaluate design and production decisions is becoming more and more common. This trend leads to the fact that modern CAD/CAM/CAE systems integrated to PLM environment are being actively implemented in most high-tech enterprises. The effectiveness of the whole approach depends on the reliability of the models used so, it’s important that the results of mathematical modeling, for example, mechanical stresses, stiffnesses, eigen-frequencies correspond to the experimental results. Therefore, the problem of numerical models verification is relevant for simulation-driven product development.
This seminar is devoted to the structural dynamics models verification using experimental modal analysis (EMA). Damping identification is one of the cornerstones in an accurate dynamic simulation of complex structures. Such advanced techniques for modal parameters identification as stochastic subspace identification and laser Doppler vibrometry will be presented, also an approach to finite-element models updating will be discussed. The possibilities of using EMA techniques for non-destructive testing will be highlighted.
Sergei Nikolaev is a junior research scientist at the Information Technologies for Advanced Manufacturing Lab (ITAM) of CDMM, Skoltech. He received the Specialist degree in Applied Mechanics from Bauman Moscow State Technical University (2012) and Candidate of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering (2017).
During his postgraduate studies at Bauman Technical University, Sergei has concentrated on experimental modal analysis and finite-element models verification and updating. The main focus of his research activities was time-domain modal parameters identification for precise structural dynamics simulation. Sergei has developed the methods which are used in special software for auto-excited vibration prediction in turbine blades 5-axis milling. At Skoltech Sergei is developing both educational and scientific directions of ITAM lab concentrating on the simulation-driven product development approach. |