Prof. Alexander Pasko The National Centre September 21, 2017
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SEMINAR ABSTRACT:Digital Materialization (DM) can be defined as two-way direct communication or conversion between matter and digital information that enables to exactly describe, monitor, manipulate and create any arbitrary real object. DM is a general paradigm alongside a specified framework that is suitable for computer processing and includes: holistic, coherent, heterogeneous volume modeling systems; symbolic languages that are able to handle infinite degrees of freedom and detail in a compact format; reverse enineering from scanned real objects; and the direct interaction and direct diital fabrication of any object at any spatial resolution without the need for lossy intermediate formats. The area of heterogeneous volume modeling is characterized in the talk. It includes interconnected shape modeling, material modeling and miscrostructure modeling. Problems of the current approaches based on surfaces and voxels are outlined. A general disruptive approach of the Function Representation (FRep) is presented, which is based and further extends the theory of R-functions developed in the USSR in 60-s and 70-s. Extensions of FRep to material and microstructure modeling are presented. Applications in CAD, multi-material additive manufacturing/3D printing and other areas are illustrated along with the industrial application systems. |
SPEAKER INTRODUCTION:Dr. Alexander Pasko is a professor at Bournemouth University in the UK and the board chairman of the Uformia AS company in Norway-USA. He received his PhD from Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI) in Russia in 1988, where he was a senior scientist until 1992. He was an assistant professor at the department of computer software, University of Aizu, Japan (from 1993 to 2000); associate and full professor at the Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences of the Hosei University in Tokyo, Japan (2000-2007). Alexander Pasko’s areas of interest are geometric and heterogeneous volume modelling, computer-aided design and 3D printing, computer animation and computer art. His main research interest is development of a high-level universal model for spatio-temporal objects and phenomena with their internal properties. The model called the Function Representation (FRep) is based on the most universal mathematical language of real functions of point coordinates in geometric spaces. To support the mathematical concepts of this model, Alexander and his colleagues introduced and develop the special-purpose modelling language called HyperFun (from Hyperdimensional Functions), which has extensive applications in education, computer animation, biology, digital fabrication, and other areas. The international R&D Digital Materialization Group lead by Alexander has published more than 130 papers in academic journals and conferences, and distributes its software under a special open source license. Alexander was a co-founder of the Shape Modeling International conference series and he serves on its steering committee. He is on the editorial board of the Computer-Aided Design journal, an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Computer Games technology and an editorial board member of several other international journals. He chaired and co-chaired multiple international conferences and gave a number of invited tutorials and talks worldwide. More details can be found at |