Алексей Литвинов

доцент / Сколковский институт науки и технологий
научный сотрудник / Институт теоретической физики им. Л.Д.Ландау

Образование, учёные степени

2006 / кандидат физико-математических наук / Институт теоретической физики им. Л.Д.Ландау / тема диссертации “Корреляционные функции в интегрируемой теории поля”

Профессиональные интересы


      1. M. Alfimov, A. Litvinov, “On loop corrections to integrable 2D sigma model backgrounds”, J. High Energ. Phys. 2022, 43 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP01(2022)043 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2110.05418]
      2. D. Kolyaskin, A. Litvinov, A. Zhukov, "R-matrix formulation of affine Yangian of glˆ(1|1) " Nucl.Physics B, V.985, 2022, 116023, doi.org/10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2022.116023[ PDF: English, arXiv: 2206.01636]
      3. E. Chistyakova, A. Litvinov, P. Orlov, “Affine Yangian of gl(2) and integrable structures of superconformal field theory”, J. High Energ. Phys. 2022, 102 (2022) doi.org/10.1007/JHEP03(2022)102 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2110.05870]
      4. A. Litvinov, I. Vilkoviskiy, “Integrable structure of BCD conformal field theory and boundary Bethe ansatz for affine Yangian”, J. High Energ. Phys. 2021, 141 (2021), doi.org/10.1007/JHEP08(2021)141 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2105.04018]
      5. M. Alfimov, B. Feigin, B. Hoare, A. Litvinov, “Dual description of η-deformed OSP sigma models”, J. High Energy Phys., 2012, 040 (2020) [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2010.11927]
      6. A. Litvinov, I. Vilkoviskiy, “Liouville reflection operator, affine Yangian and Bethe ansatz”, J. High Energy Phys., 2012, 100 (2020) [ PDF: English, arXiv: 2007.00535]
      7. K. Aleshkin, A. Belavin, A. Litvinov, “JKLMR conjecture and Batyrev construction”, J. Stat. Mech., 1903, 034003 (2019) dx.doi.org/10.1088%2F1742-5468%2Fab081a [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1812.00478]
      8. А.В. Литвинов, “Интегрируемая gl(n|n) теория Тоды и дуальная ей сигма-модель, [A.V. Litvinov, “Integrable gl(n|n) Toda field theory and its sigma-model dual”, dx.doi.org/10.1134%2FS0021364019230048, JETP Letters, 110(11), 707-710 (2019)] [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1901.04799]
      9. A.V. Litvinov, L.A. Spodyneiko, “On dual description of the deformed O(N) sigma model”, J. High Energy Phys., 1811, 139 (2018) dx.doi.org/10.1007%2FJHEP11%282018%29139 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1804.07084]
      10. V.A. Fateev, A.V. Litvinov, “Integrability, Duality and Sigma Models”, J. High Energy Phys., 1811, 204 (2018) dx.doi.org/10.1007%2FJHEP11%282018%29204 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1804.03399]
      11. K. Aleshkin, A. Belavin, A. Litvinov, “Two-sphere partition functions and Kähler potentials on CY moduli spaces”, Письма в ЖЭТФ, 108(10), 725 (2018) [JETP Lett., 108(10), 710-713 (2018)], dx.doi.org/10.1134%2FS0021364018220022
      12. A. Litvinov, L. Spodyneiko, “On W algebras commuting with a set of screenings”, J. High Energy Phys., 1611, 138 (2016), dx.doi.org/10.1007%2FJHEP11%282016%29138 f”>[ PDF: English, arXiv: 1609.06271]
      13. M. Bershtein, B. Feigin, A. Litvinov, ЭCoupling of two conformal field theories and Nakajima-Yoshioka blow-up equationsЭ, Lett. Math. Phys., 106(1), 29-56 (2016), dx.doi.org/10.1007%2Fs11005-015-0802-x [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1310.7281]
      14. M.N. Alfimov, A.V. Litvinov, “On spectrum of ILW hierarchy in conformal field theory II: coset CFT’s, J. High Energy Phys. 1502, 150 (2015), dx.doi.org/10.1007%2FJHEP02%282015%29150 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1411.3313 ]
      15. A. Litvinov, S. Lukyanov, N. Nekrasov, A. Zamolodchikov, “Classical conformal blocks and Painlevé VI”, J. High Energy Phys., 1407, 144 (2014), dx.doi.org/10.1007%2FJHEP07%282014%29144 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1309.4700 ]
      16. A.A. Belavin, M.A. Bershtein, B.L. Feigin, A.V. Litvinov, G.M. Tarnopolsky, ЭInstanton moduli spaces and bases in coset conformal field theory”, Commun. Math. Phys., 319(1), 269-301 (2013) dx.doi.org/10.1007%2Fs00220-012-1603-z [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1111.2803 ]
      17. A.V. Litvinov, “On spectrum of ILW hierarchy in conformal field theory”, J. High Energy Phys., 1311, 155 (2013), dx.doi.org/10.1007%2FJHEP11%282013%29155
        [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1307.8094 ]
      18. V.A. Fateev, A.V. Litvinov, “Integrable structure, W-symmetry and AGT relation”, J. High Energy Phys., 1201, 051 (2012), dx.doi.org/10.1007%2FJHEP01%282012%29051 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1109.4042]
      19. V.A. Alba, V.A. Fateev, A.V. Litvinov, G.M. Tarnopolskiy, “On Combinatorial Expansion of the Conformal Blocks Arising from AGT Conjecture”, Lett. Math. Phys., 98(1), 33-64 (2011), dx.doi.org/10.1007%2Fs11005-011-0503-z%20 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1012.1312]
      20. M.A. Bershtein, V.A. Fateev, A.V. Litvinov, “Parafermionic polynomials, Selberg integrals and three-point correlation function in parafermionic Liouville field theory”, Nucl. Phys. B 847(2), 413-459 (2011), dx.doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.nuclphysb.2011.01.035 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 1011.4090]
      21. V.A. Fateev, A.V. Litvinov, “On AGT conjecture”, J. High Energy Phys., 1002, 014 (2010), dx.doi.org/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.iop.org%2FEJ%2Fabstract%2F1126-6708%2F2009%2F01%2F033 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 0912.0504 ]
      22. V.A. Fateev, A.V. Litvinov, “Correlation functions in conformal Toda field theory II”, J. High Energy Phys., 0901, 033 (2009), dx.doi.org/10.1088%2F1126-6708%2F2009%2F01%2F033 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 0810.3020]
      23. V.A. Fateev, A.V. Litvinov, A. Neveu, E. Onofri, “A differential equation for a four-point correlation function in Liouville field theory and elliptic four-point conformal blocks”, J. Phys. A 42, 304011 (2009) (29pp), doi.org/10.1007/JHEP02%282010%29014 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 0902.1331]
      24. В.А. Фатеев, А.В. Литвинов, “Многоточечные корреляционные функции в лиувиллевской теории поля и минимальной лиувиллевской гравитации”, ТМФ, 154(3), 536–556 (2008) [V.A. Fateev, A.V. Litvinov, “Multipoint correlation functions in Liouville field theory and minimal Liouville gravity”, dx.doi.org/10.1007%2Fs11232-008-0038-3, Theor. Math. Phys, 154(3), 454-472 (2008) [ PDF: English, arXiv: 0707.1664]
      25. V. Fateev, A. Litvinov, "Correlation functions in conformal Toda field theory I", High Energy Phys., 0711, 002 (2007), dx.doi.org/10.1088%2F1126-6708%2F2007%2F11%2F002 [ PDF: English, arXiv: 0709.3806]
      26. V. Fateev, A. Litvinov, “Coulomb integrals in Liouville theory and Liouville gravity”, Письма в ЖЭТФ, 84(10), 625-630 (2006) dx.doi.org/10.1134%2FS0021364006220012, JETP Lett., 84(10), 531-536 (2007)
      27. V. Fateev, A. Litvinov, “On differential equation on four-point correlation function in the Conformal Toda Field Theory”, Письма в ЖЭТФ, 81(11), 728-732 (2005) dx.doi.org/10.1134%2F1.2029952, JETP Lett., 81(11), 594-598 (2005)
      28. A. Belavin, V. Belavin, A. Litvinov, Y. Pugai, Al. Zamolodchikov, “On correlation functions in the perturbed minimal models M2,2n+1“, Nucl. Phys. B 676 (3), 587-614 (2004) dx.doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.nuclphysb.2003.10.013″
      29. A. Belavin, A. Litvinov, “On correlation functions in perturbed minimal models”, Proc. “Quarks 2004″: 13th International Seminar on High Energy Physics, Pushkinskie Gory, Russia, May 24-30, 2004

      Литвинов Алексей Викторович