A new paper in PNAS journal

A group of scientists led by prof Konstantin Severinov published a paper in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). This study reveals new insights into the the  mechanism of bacterial adaptive immunity. Skoltech Ph.D students Olga Musharova, Alexandra Strotskaya and Daria Vorontcova co-authored this paper.

Full press-release is published at TASS.ru here


Highly efficient primed spacer acquisition from targets destroyed by the Escherichia coli type I-E CRISPR-Cas interfering complex. Ekaterina Semenova, Ekaterina Savitskaya, Olga Musharova, Alexandra Strotskaya, Daria Vorontsova, Kirill A. Datsenko, Maria D. Logacheva, and Konstantin Severinov. PNAS, 7626–7631, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1602639113.