Dr. Konstantin Lukyanov has joined Skoltech Center of Life Sciences as a Full Professor

Konstantin graduated from Moscow State University (Faculty of Biology, Department of Molecular Biology) in 1991. Since 1993, Konstantin has been working at the Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences (IBCH RAS), current position – a head of Biophotonics lab. He received PhD (1998) and DrSc (2006).

degrees in Molecular Biology at IBCH RAS. In 2016 he became a Corresponding Member of RAS. Dr Lukyanov is an Editor of Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications journal (Elsevier).

Since 2000, Dr. Lukyanov worked on characterization of natural diversity and biochemistry of GFP-like fluorescent proteins and development of methods of their practical applications in cell and molecular biology. He is the author of >100 papers in international journals (>11500 citations, h-index 44). Current research interests of Dr. Lukyanov are focused on methods of multiparameter and super- resolution fluorescence imaging of live cells and organisms.

Konstantin’s teaching experience includes courses on bioimaging for BSc students at Moscow State University and for PhD students at IBCH RAS. He also supervises PhD students (11 defences up to date).