Skoltech bioinformaticians published two preprints

Skoltech bioinformaticians Mikhail Moldovan, Zoe Chervontseva, Georgii Bazykin, and Mikhail Gelfand have published a preprint “Adaptive evolution at mRNA editing sites in soft-bodied cephalopods” at bioRxiv. mRNA adenine-to-inosine editing is quite common in cephalopods, and the researchers have shown that mRNA editing of individual nonsynonymous sites in cephalopods originates through substitutions at the regions adjacent to these sites. Full text of the preprint is available here.

Nurislam Shaykhutdinov and Georgii Bazykin have co-authored a preprint “Population genomics of two closely related anhydrobiotic midges reveals differences in adaptation to extreme desiccation”. The study focuses on population genomics of a very unusual organism – mosquito Polypedilum vanderplanki and relative species. Full text of the preprint is available here.