Skoltech scientists have co-authored two preprints on mitochondrial genomics

Skoltech scientists Ilia Mazunin and Georgii Bazykin have co-authored a preprint “Risk of mitochondrial deletions is affected by the global secondary structure of the mitochondrial genome” recently published at bioRxiv. The scientists have demonstrated that the probability of deletions in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) greatly depends on mtDNA secondary structure. Congratulations! Full text of the article is available here.

Furthermore, Ilia Mazunin has co-authored a preprint “A mitochondrial mutational signature of temperature and longevity in ectothermic and endothermic vertebrates”. The scientists have shown that there are two main factors affecting between-species variation in mitochondrial mutational spectra in vertebtrates: longevity and body temperature. Full text of the preprint is available here.