Skoltech team won the first prize in the International Tournament on Natural Sciences!

The team from Skoltech has just returned from the Russian-language league of the International Tournament on Natural Sciences with the first prize. This tournament is organized by the Department of Chemistry of Saint-Petersburg State University and challenges the interdisciplinary teams of students to work with real world issues. The competition took place in Saint-Petersburg on November, 14-21 (official site). The team brought together  Ekaterina Malysheva (2 year-student, Photonics and quantum materials), Anna Zhdanova (2-year student, Life sciences), Inna Misovets (1 year-student, Life sciences), Bella Bokan (1-year student, Life sciences), Oxana Rusanova (2-year student, Space and engineering systems). The Skoltech team was invited to take part in the English-language league. Moreover, Anna Zhdanova and Ekaterina Malysheva were awarded with special prizes.

Congratulations to Skoltech team!
