The winners of the Systems biology Fellowship Program – 2018

Skoltech Center of life sciences is proud to announce the winners of the competitive program for research fellowships in Systems Biology. The program, which is the first of its kind in Russia, was made possible through a generous support from Philip Morris Sales and Marketing. The winners will receive a three-year support of basic research in the broad field of systems biology and data-intensive biology that is in the main focus of biomedical research at Skoltech. The total sum of the three-year support amounts to 1,890,000 rubles. In addition, to support for their projects award recipients will be provided with mentorship opportunities through networking with best Russian and international scientists in the field. The winners have received a diploma in a program-launch event on August 21st, 2018.

And the winners are:

Aleksandra Galitsyna from Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, for her project “Interpretable model for chromatin interaction probability prediction”

Sergey Shmakov from Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, for his project “Comprehensive characterization of CRISPR-linked genes”

Alexander Gordeev, from the Protein Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Science, for his project “Suppression of reverse transcriptase-driven chimeric cDNA synthesis”

Artem Gureev, from Voronezh State University, for his project “The study of Mildronate effect on mitochondrial metabolism during physical exercise”

Pavel Kos, from Lomonosov Moscow State University, for his project “Bi-directional research of chromatin organization in eukaryotic cell nucleus”.