Plasma-based sources of extreme ultraviolet radiation and their application in photolithography by Viacheslav Medvedev

Plasma-based sources of extreme ultraviolet radiation and their application in photolithography  by Viacheslav Medvedev

When: January 17,  16:00

Where: Room 303 TPOC-3


Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography is the next generation lithographic technology employing radiation with 13.5 nm wavelength. EUV lithography is aimed at high-volume manufacturing of integrated circuits with critical dimensions below 10 nm. When switching to such short wavelengths, the basic principle of photolithography remains unchanged. However, the main technology instruments, including the radiation source, the optical system, the photomask and the photoresist, have to change drastically. This talk reviews challenges that EUV lithography encounters and discusses in detail EUV source technology. At the moment, the most promising source technology makes use of EUV emission from tin (Sn) plasma generated by high-power laser radiation. Efficient generation of EUV photons by tin plasma requires the electron temperature of few tens eV and ion density of 1017−1018 cm−3. In this talk, we will discuss to produce such hot and dense plasma in a controlled way and how to build a high-power EUV source that meets the requirements of the high-volume manufacturing lithography.


Viacheslav Medvedev is a senior researcher at the Institute for Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Science (ISAN). He received his doctorate cum laude from the University of Twente for his work on extreme ultraviolet optics. For his thesis, Viacheslav has been awarded a prize ‘Valorization chapter prize’ by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Since then he has been based at ISAN. His current research is on the plasma-based sources of extreme ultraviolet radiations, source metrology systems and their applications in photolithography