
Industrial contacts with Russian Space Agency, Cyclon, Roselectronics, Perm Scientific-Industrial Instrument Manufacturing Company, IPG Russia

Academic collaboration: LANL, Alto University, Aston University, Cambridge University, MIT, Darmstadt Technical University, Purdue University, Stockholm University, University of Arizona, University of Karlsruhe, University of Stuttgart, Ioffe Institute, General Physics Institute, Kazan Federal University, Landau Institute, MEPHI, MIPT, Novosibirsk University, ITMO, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg Technical University,  Saint Petersburg Academic University, Nataional Research University Higher School of Econimics

Advisory service and Expertise:

contribution to the MES Commission on formulating of the Photonics National Initiative;
world-wide overview of status and perspectives of Photonics research and industry application
contribution to Photonics Initiative in the framework of BRICS (led by India & Russia)

Media service

Participating in the Nation-wide broadcasting programmes related to the International year of Light & Light-based technologies, Photonics perspectives, etc.
Contributing to the round-table discussion on Photonics perspectives chaired by the PM Dmitry Medvedev

External service:

peer-reviewers in top Scientific journals (e.g., Nature, et al.),
Grants’ applications reviewers, Fellows in international Researchers Societies & Associations