Aspects of strong light- matter coupling in carbon and organic nanostructures

Aspects of strong light- matter coupling in carbon and organic nanostructures by  Ivan A. Shelykh, Science Institute, University of Iceland and ITMO University, ST. Petersburg, Russia

When: January 18,  10.30

Where: Room 408 TPOC-3


Excitons in carbon and organic materials differ substantially from excitons in semiconductor structures. They usually have bigger binding energies and smaller radia, which enhances their coupling with light and decreases nonlinearities stemming from exciton- exciton interactions. Moreover, the role of the dark states can become crucial: they can have binding energies substantially bigger than those of the bright states, and thus can lead to the luminescence quenching.

 In the talk we will consider two examples of strong light matter coupling physics in organics. First, we will demonstrate how the couplng with photonic mode of planar resonator can lead to the exciton brightening in carbon nanotubes. Second, we will discuss the origin of the blueshift in organic microcavities and claim that it mainly stemms from the quenching of the Rabi splitting with increase of the excitonic concentration and not from Coulomb exciton- exciton interactions as in the case of semiconductor microcavities.


Ivan Shelykh graduated from St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University in 1999 and later on finished his PhD in the domain of theoretical quantum transport. In 2002 he moved for a Postdoc to Blaise Pascal University, Clermont- Ferrand, France where he worked in the group headed by Alexey Kavokin on polaritonics. He was afterwards working in UK, Brazil and Singapore and since 2008 holds professorship in the University of Iceland in Reykjavik. Since 2015 in parallel he is heading a laboratory of Light- matter coupling in mesoscoping systems in ITMO University, St. Petersburg. Scientific interests include quantum transport, quantum optics and many body quantum theory.