Education: Higher School of Economics (Data Science)
Research interests: Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Graph, GAN
Thesis title: Deep learning for image vectorization
Voinov O.*, Artemov A., Egiazarian V., Notchenko A., Bobrovskikh G., Zorin D., & Burnaev E. Perceptual Deep Depth Super-Resolution. CVF/IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Seoul 2019
Egiazarian, V.*, Voynov, O.*, Artemov, A., Volkhonskiy, D., Safin, A., Taktasheva, M., Zorin, D., & Burnaev, E., Deep Vectorization of Technical Drawings, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Glasgow 2020
Evgeny BurnaevFull Professor, Director of Skoltech Applied AI Center, Director of Skoltech AI Center
Ivan OseledetsFull Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Computational Intelligence
Anh-Huy PhanFull Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Intelligent Signal and Image Processing
Alexander ShapeevFull Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence for Materials Design
Dmitry YarotskyFull Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
Alexander PanchenkoAssociate Professor, Head of the Natural Language Processing Laboratory
Dmitry DylovAssociate Professor, Head of the Computational Imaging Laboratory
Gonzalo FerrerAssociate Professor, Head of the Mobile Robotics Laboratory
Sergey RykovanovAssociate Professor, Head of the Artificial Intelligence & Supercomputing Laboratory