Graduated from: Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Department of Chemical and Environment Engineering
Research interests: Multitask learning, QSAR/QSPR studies, chemoinformatics, prediction of properties of organic compounds, profiles of activities of organic compounds, computational drug design
Thesis title: Data analysis and mathematical modeling for finding and developing new perspective drug candidates
1. Sosnina, E. A., Osolodkin, D. I., Radchenko, E. V., Sosnin, S., & Palyulin, V. A. (2018). Influence of descriptor implementation on compound ranking based on multiparameter assessment. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 58(5), 1083-1093.
2. Submitted to Editorial Office, ACS Omega, Recommender Systems in Antiviral Drug Discovery,Ekaterina Sosnina, Sergey Sosnin, Anastasia Nikitina, Ivan Nazarov, Dmitry Osolodkin, Maxim Fedorov
Poster presentations:
1. Influence of descriptor implementation on compound assessment The Third International School-Seminar “From Empirical to Predictive chemistry”. Kazan, Russia. April 5-7 , 2018.
2. Recommender systems in antiviral drug discovery II Gen-Y Young Scientists Cross-Disciplinary Conference. Sochi, Russia. March13-17, 2019
Oral presentations:
1. Recommender systems for predicting the antiviral activity based on ViralChEMBL data 22nd European Symposium on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships. “Translational and Health Informatics: Implications for Drug Discovery”. Thessaloniki, Greece. September 16-20, 2018.
2. Comparison of recommender systems approaches for selection of antiviral candidates XXVI Russian National Congress “Man and Medicine”, Moscow, Russia. April 8-11, 2019