
Research in CHR
In Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) we have created an academic environment for the training of master students according to track Petroleum Engineering with the specialization in the prospecting and recovery of hydrocarbons, who have deep fundamental knowledge and competency to carry out experimental and theoretical researchers in order to develop new technologies related to difficult and unconventional reserves.
Admission eligibility requirements are determined by Skoltech and can be found at:
The master’s program includes immersion of students into the oil and gas production industry, execution of real-life projects in production and service companies, execution of scientific researchers in the Skoltech Center for Hydrocarbon Recovery together with its partners – leading universities in this sphere from the RF, USA, Canada and Great Britain.
Graduates of the program in accordance with the types of professional activity, to which the program is oriented, would be ready to solve the following professional problems:
Research & Development activities
- perform applied scientific researchers on the problems of the oil and gas industry, estimate possible use the scientific and technological progress achievements in the oil and gas production;
- initiate the creation, develop and perform experimental verification of innovative oil and gas production technologies;
- develop and validate technical, technological, technical and economic, social-psychological and other important objectives, characterizing technological processes, objects, systems, projects, oil and gas organizations;
- develop physical, mathematical and computer models of the studied processes, occurrences and objects, related to the professional sphere;
- improve and develop methods of analysis of information on technological processes and operation of technical devices in the sphere of well sinking, oil and gas production, field control and regulation of hydrocarbons extraction on land and sea, pipeline transportation of oil and gas, underground storage of gas, storage and sales of oil, oil products and liquid gases;
- create new and improve the existing techniques of simulation and calculation, which are needed for designing of the industry’s technological processes and technical devices;
- improve and develop new experimental research techniques for physical processes of oil and gas production and technical devices;
- perform patent researchers in order to provide patent purity of new developments;
- collect, process, analyze and systematize science and technical information on the topic of the research, select proper techniques and means of problem-solving;
- prepare scientific and technical reports, reviews, publications on the results of completed researches;
- develop models of perspective solutions on quality control in the oil and gas production;
- develop systems for the provision of industrial and ecological safety of oil and gas production objects, equipment and technologies.
Design and engineering activity
- improve the design methodology on the basis of modern achievements of information and communication technologies;
- improve the technology of collection and form of presentation of input and output data for development of project documentation for well sinking, oil and gas production, field control and regulation of hydrocarbons extraction on land and sea, pipeline transportation of oil and gas, underground storage of gas, storage and sales of oil, oil products and liquid gases;
- improve design calculations for oil and gas extraction and transportation processes with the use of applied software;
- develop project solutions for designing of technical devices, units and mechanisms, technological processes for oil and gas extraction and transportation;
- prepare tasks for development of project solutions for engineering, determination of patentability and technical level characteristics of designed equipment (products, objects, structures) for oil, gas and gas condensate extraction, transportation and storage;
- form the descriptions of concepts of operation and design of engineered products and objects with the justification of adopted decisions;
- develop sketch, technical and working projects of complex products and technological processes with the use of means of automation of engineering, modern practices of development of competitive products;
- develop project, technological and working documents in compliance with the imposed regulations;
- perform technical calculations on projects, technical and economic and functional and cost analysis of the efficiency of designed units, structures, technological processes;
- develop new technologies for prevention of complications and emergency situations in the oil and gas production, earth depths and environment protection;
- develop new project solutions for the quality management in the oil and gas production;
- design systems for provision of industrial and environmental safety of objects, equipment and technologies of oil and gas production.
Alumni and MSc students of the CHR
 Working with thermal conductivity scanner in CHR laboratory |
 Core analysis |
 Loading the samples in the high-pressure cell |
 Examining the core surface |