Dr Mael Brossard obtained his PhD in hybrid photonics for energy efficiency from the University of Southampton under the supervision of Prof. Pavlos Lagoudakis. His main scientific contribution to the photovoltaics field was to introduce low-cost colloidal QDs into thin-film PVs. This work led to the filling of a patent on hybrid solar cells in 2014 and to two Advanced Material journals published in 2015. He also has significant experience in the field of hybrid LEDs, where he collaborated with NCTU in Taiwan to develop state-of-the-art hybrid photonic quasi crystal devices. Dr Brossard has a cumulative impact factor >30 from journal publications. He presented his work through invited talks at international conferences in Asia, Europe and North America. After a postdoctoral contract in Southampton University, he designed the new Hybrid Photonics Labs in Skoltech and handle equipment procurement. In 2016, he finally moved to Skoltech to become the lab manager of the Hybrid Photonics Labs.
Mael developed great expertise in cleanroom fabrication, developing complex nano-photonic devices such as photonic crystals which required a variety of fabrication methods such as lithography (electron-beam and optical) and other processing techniques (ALD, ICP, PECVD). He is skilled in the art of optical testing and is capable to setup and perform complex time resolved optical experiments as required for time-resolved spectroscopy.
Hybrid Photonics: nanophotonic architecture of energy efficient LEDs and PVs