Supervisor: Konstantin Severinov
Graduated from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications in 2015.
Graduated from Skoltech in 2018: “Role of base modifications in accommodation of aminoacyl-tRNA during decoding by the ribosome” / “Роль модифицированных оснований в аккомодации аминоацил-тРНК в процессе трансляции”.
Working in National research center “Kurchatovsky Institute”, PNPI, Laboratory of protein synthesis, Gatchina.
PhD Graduate 2017
MSc student graduate 2019
MSc graduate 2019
MSc graduate 2019
MSc graduate 2019
MSc graduate 2020
MSc student graduate 2019
Joint PhD Program with The University of Strasbourg
MSc student graduate 2019
MSc student graduate 2019
MSc student